periodens fokus 2015 / 12 questions
Hvis en handicapkunde fra Midttrafik skal til behandling på Onkologisk afd. på Århus Sygehus Tage- hansens gade bestilles turen som følger:
Span2Semester / 32 questions
Den dømmende magt / 28 questions
Hvilke årsager er der typisk til kriminalitet?
MediaWiki, Wikia, CSSy, JSy, jQuery i ogólnie wszystko co popadnie / 13 questions
W którym roku powstało AC/DC?
LANGUAGE ARTS / 10 questions
3.- If this tent ______ (be) any smaller, one of us _____ (have to sleep) outside!
Word formation 2 / 16 questions
She can never wait for five minutes. She's so ................... (PATIENT)
Adminpls / 10 questions
What would you do if someome calls you a whore?
Stress Managment / 12 questions
I would hate to go shopping right now.
Rentesregning / 13 questions
Hvad har forrentningen været på en aktie, hvor kurse0,n på 7 år er stegt fra 66 til 175 ?
Irregular Preterite / 25 questions
I started (empezar)
Quiz 2016 / 23 questions
vocabulary and EOG prep / 20 questions
“Hi David, I’m David.”It was quite possibly the weirdest conversation ever. I had been minding my own business, watching T.V. in the den, when the lights went out suddenly. I was home alone. The T.V went out, too. A moment later one lamp came back on, but it was flickering weakly. In the middle of the room stood a man who looked like my uncle, Norman.“Hi David, I’m David,” he said.I didn’t say anything. I thought that if I could reach my cell phone, I could call 911. My parents had taught me plenty of times what to do in an emergency. I thought that maybe I could jump out the half-open window, although it opened onto the roof on the second story.“I know your parents taught you to call 911 in an emergency,” said the guy. “And I know that you’re wondering where your phone is.”This was getting scarier. Obviously this guy had been stalking me.“I wouldn’t recommend jumping out the half-open window,” he said with a peculiar little smile. “It opens onto the roof on the second story.”“H-how are you doing this?” I asked. “Are you reading my mind?”“Not really. Well, sort of.”“What does that mean?”“I’m reading my own mind,” he said.“I don’t understand you.” Maybe if I told him that someone was coming home soon, he would get scared and leave.“There’s no point telling me that someone will come home soon,” he said.I shivered.“Relax,” he said. “That would be fatally ignorant. You’re the absolute last person in the world I would hurt.”“Why me?”“Because if I hurt you, I hurt me,” he said. “I’ll explain, but you’ll have a hard time accepting it.”“I’ll try.”“OK, I am David Seam Lamont.”“That’s my name!”“Don’t interrupt. I was born January 11, 1992.”“That’s when I was born! You’re trying to mess with me!”“I told you that you would have a hard time accepting my explanation. The fact is, I am you. An older you.”“There’s no way – ““Just hear me out and stop interrupting. Man, I was obnoxious when I was young!” Shaking his head, he continued "I was 16 years old, sitting in this room, watching T.V. A guy came from the future and told me that he was me, and that he had invented a time machine in the future. He had come back to see himself. It was the exact same conversation you and I are having now.”“Time machine?” I asked weakly.“Yes, a time machine. I’m you, David, I’ve just come back in time.”“Did you really invent a time machine?” I asked, half starting to believe it.“We did, I did. Or, rather, we will, since it will happen in December of the year 2040.”“Where is this machine?”“It doesn’t go back and forth in time, the person does.”I could almost believe it. He seemed to know everything I was thinking.“If you really came from the future,” I said, “tell me something about it, so I can test you. Tell me who will win all the baseball games in the major leagues tomorrow.”“I can’t remember that far back, and we never liked baseball that much. But more importantly, I can’t tell you anything about the future. If I did, you would have knowledge you are not supposed to have, and that could mess with the time stream.”“So why are you here?” I asked.“Just to say ‘hello,’ and look at me,” he said. “Goodbye, David, take very good care of yourself.”“But I – ” I began to say, and then the lights dimmed again. When they came back on, he was gone. The T.V. came back on. It was an old movie, called “Back to the Future.”That made me laugh nervously, but when the laughter passed, I had an idea. I sat down with a pencil and a pad of paper and starting taking very close notes about the movie. What is the main reason the older David visited the younger David? Select right answer
Progress Check Test / 15 questions
( )が すきですかDo you like tea?
Solar System / 20 questions
I am the Planet with many layers of rocks, and frozen gasses around me. I am
Apostrophes / 10 questions
Samantha borrowed Julies pencil.
Españo; III - Capítulo 2 - El Presente - e-i Stem-Changers / 22 questions
¿Qué significa "pedimos" en inglés?
INGLES6 / 10 questions
Shrek!Hi! My name is Shrek, I am 35 years old, I am a famous American actor, I am from New York, I am a ugly ogre, I am tall and fat with a small nose and big mouth, I have brown eyes and big feet , also, I am a serious and kind ogre. Ah! My best friend is Donkey; it is very funny and sweet! How old is he?
INGLES6 / 10 questions
Mother’s day is in
Lilian / 10 questions
When is my birthday
English 8, pt. 2 / 20 questions
PAST: You _______ my haircut last year.
ER-IR Verbs / 20 questions
Informatika / 10 questions
Kapacitet CD-a je 700 MB.
Dansk-historie forløb / 18 questions
Orla Lehmann argumenterede for indførelse af demokrati. Hvilke argumenter brugte han?
9b reading and writing / 20 questions
The ship hadn´t sunk if
Shaun's Test / 20 questions
My Birthday. (Dont Cheat)
Past Tense / 20 questions
______ to the park on Sunday.
Opsummering 2. Verdenskrig / 18 questions
Hvilken anden fejl begik Hitler i perioden juni 1941-februar 1943?
Warzywa polowe zeszły rok / 20 questions
Z rozsady zaawansowanej wiekowo (14-16 tyg.) można uprawiać:
fejlsætninger og forklaringer / 10 questions
Three people saw the boys there weren't at school break in to the locked shop.
fejlsætninger og forklaringer / 10 questions
He had always loved his fathers' bedtime stories.
review grade / 18 questions
VOCABULARY 1 Put these adjectives in the correct group. ancient Brazilian fantastic huge purple square 1 opinion: _______________________ 2 size: _______________________ 3 age: _______________________ 4 shape:_______________________ 5 color: _______________________ 6 origin: _______________________ 1. _____________
B1 June Final Exam / 27 questions
Complete the following sentence: Kylie has ______ achieved a lot in her career, even though she's very young and seems to have plenty left to offer.
INGLES6 / 10 questions
Select the correct form for the following numbers Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Eight
Past Tense Test / 46 questions
I was on the phone with my mom yesterday and we _____ with one another for over an hour!
Competency Skills Exam / 50 questions
I am allowed to use my cell phone while, the individual's I am providing assistance to, are in the residence.
Hayo (; / 12 questions
I have a sister
Perek 5-6 part 2 / 11 questions
Which of Yaakov's 12 sons lived the longest?
How well do you know me? / 23 questions
Where was I born?
Zimbardo_hs 6.1-6.3 / 13 questions
Over welke theorieën gaat het? I - Al onze emoties worden voorafgegaan door lichamelijke responsen; we voelen ons verdrietig omdat we huilen. II - emotionele gevoelens en interne lichamelijke responsen ontstaan gelijktijdig
INTWEEK2 / 21 questions
Why didn't you eat anything at the party?
Lesson 11 Weekly Test / 40 questions
Decoding - Question #2
Vad minns du från vecka 39-43? Självrättande repetitionstest Naturkunskap 1b / 27 questions
Om man vill beskriva ett ekosystem och dess biologiska mångfald i ett område behöver man bland annat kunna ta reda på vilka arter som finns i området. Vi gjorde en övning där uppgiften var att ta reda på namnet på några växter som kan blomma i Tullinge i september. Vilket av följande är exempel på en sådan växt?
Mary / 20 questions
What is my favorite sport?
Styr på flaskerummet? / 17 questions
Du har fyldt en palle med ølkasser med tomme flasker. Hvad gør du?
Digitala delen / 49 questions
EngelskaSkriv in rätt ord som passar in I hug my pillow when i ____.
Communication test - 2 (12-1-2015) / 10 questions
Yesterday the students drank a lot of coffee and they used __ all the coffee in the coffee machine. So when I wanted a coffee, the machine was empty.
/ 10 questions
Whenever an online friend ask me for my home address, I should give as they can be trusted.
9apropiacion / 20 questions
An object used to not sink in the sea as a survivor
The Sea / 20 questions
Bora Bora is my favorite island
Reading and Writing 10 IV term / 21 questions
READING EXERCISE If only they'd told me ... A: Anna (19)It sounds silly, but I wish I'd been told how to make friends. I spent my whole childhood thinking that I didn't have friends because I didn't have the right clothes or listen to the right music. However, according to theexperts, you can make friends far more quickly if you show interest in other people rather than try to make them interested in you. If only I'd known that, life would have been so much easier. B: Susie (17)Most people need to be reminded to give as well as take in relationships, but for me it was the other way round. I always helped my friends with their problems and advised them, but I never wanted to talk to anyoneabout my own problems. I thought I was a really good friend and research shows that people feel happier when they give others support than when they receive it. However, I wish I'd asked for help from my friends when Ineeded it. C: Osman (21)I started going out with a girl when I was a teenager. It was great at first but then we started to fall out a lot. I spent all my time trying to make up with her and I was often down in the dumps. But when we finally broke up, I realized that it was actually for the best. I think teenagers can take first love too seriously. If only someone had persuaded me not to do that, I wouldn't have wasted so much time. D: Alberto (18)I wish somebody had warned me about frenemies. I had this 'mate' who used to sit next to me in science class.He used to talk to me throughout the lesson. I couldn't ever concentrate because of him. In the end, I failed science while he passed! I found out that he'd been receiving extra lessons at home. In my opinion kids areashamed to tell classmates that they want to pay attention in class, and that's wrong; they'd get more respect from their friends if they were honest. EXERCISEWrite A for Anna, B for Susie, C for Osman or D for Alberto. Which person says:1 they wish somebody had told them to ask for the advice of friends? ____2 they used to believe that kids based friendship on appearances? ____3 they wish somebody had told them about false friends? ____4 they wish they'd known not to worry so much about a relationship? ____5 they behaved towards friends in a way they thought was kind? ____6 they used to try hard to get someone to forgive them after arguments?___ Answer for 3: _______ Use the chosen letter use capital letter
/ 10 questions
My aunt has never visited California, but my uncle and ____ have.
LAB9 / 50 questions
Cilat nga qelizat eshte predominant gjate inflamacionit akut
Anika, Ditte, Kaya / 11 questions
Hvad prægede samfundet i romantikken?
Euroa Chemistry Test / 20 questions
Isotopes of an element are atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
Reading and writing 7b / 26 questions
READING COMPREHENSION Read the file and answer the following questions. First read the text. Then answer the questions. Hi to our new friends in London, UK. Here’s a description of life in Toronto. Toronto is the capital of Ontario in Canada. The city is very close to Lake Ontario. It snows in Toronto from December until March. For 65 days of the year there is one centimetre or more of snow on the streets. In winter we usually stay at home or go to shopping centres under the city. We love summer and on July 1st there is a big festival, Canada Day. We go to Mel Lastman Square to see the fireworks and listen to music. It’s fantastic! In winter, when it’s cold, we often go skating at the weekends, or we go to the cinema. We go skiing with our mum and dad on Saturdays too. It’s good to play in the snow, but it’s very cold, so we drink hot chocolate when we go home. In the autumn school starts at 8:20am and ends at 3:30pm. We do our homework at 4:30 and finish at 7pm. We have dinner between 7 and 8 o’clock. Sometimes we eat later because our mum and dad both work. Complete the sentences with one or two words from the text. 0 Toronto is in Ontario, Canada. 1 Toronto is near _____. 2 For _____ days each year there’s always snow. 3 People go shopping _____ the streets.4 July 1st is called _____.5 They do their homework between _____ and 7 o’clock Answer to the question 3. Write the words clearly. DONT USE CAPITAL LETTER.
Happy New Year / 20 questions
16 +___+34 =60
Nacija / 19 questions
Model postupanja sa kulturnim mnoštvom u kome jedna dominantna grupa vlada javnim životom, organizuje državu prema vlastitim idejama i svoju kulturu čini specifičnošću zajednice nazivamo ________________.
New Recruits / 11 questions
Visitor's query after getting the name: I currently live out of country and I wish to relocate to and work there soon, how much is the school fee?
Cause and Effect-2 / 10 questions
I rode a bul into the grocery store. What is the effect?
enter your tumblr name when is says name / 14 questions
Whats your name?
Construction - Reading and Writing 8A / 33 questions
READING 1. Read the text. Then complete each sentence with one word. I’ll never forget the first time I tried windsurfing. I was 13 and I was on vacation in Puerta Vallarta with my friend Beth and her family. Her older brother Andy was a very good windsurfer and he wanted to teach us. I liked Andy a lot. I thought he was very good-looking, so I felt really pleased he wanted to teach us. So, on the second day of our vacation, Andy, Beth and I walked to the beach. It was very hot and sunny but it was pretty windy, too. It was perfect weather for windsurfing. At first, I felt really excited. I couldn’t wait to run into the ocean and jump on the windsurf board. It looked really easy and the other windsurfers were having a great time. First of all, Andy put the windsurf board down on the sand. Then, he stood on the board and showed us how to stand and hold the arm of the sail. It looked easy and I felt very excited. Beth wanted to be the first to try so we took the board into the water. Andy jumped on the board and showed us again how to stand up. When Beth tried, she immediately fell into the water. She tried again and again and each time she fell into the ocean. After ten minutes, she was really tired and miserable. I started to feel really nervous – and no wonder – I was a lot worse than Beth! Andy tried to teach me, but I was terrible. Three boys on the beach were laughing at me and I felt really embarrassed. After ten minutes, I was hot, tired, and totally fed up. In the end, we decided to leave the windsurf board on the beach and we went for a swim. That was the first and last time I ever trid windsurfing. 4 On the day they tried windsurfing, they had perfect __________.
Grammar Test Part 2 / 25 questions
She felt hungry, ________ she didn’t have breakfast.
auxiliary verb / 10 questions
Can the dog play the guitar?
English / 10 questions
2.But last year I (not / work) ___________ hard enough for English, that's why my marks (not / be) ________ really that good then.
Alden Quiz / 10 questions
What color hair do I have?
will/going to 2 / 10 questions
She _________ a baby in five months. (have)
Java_Day02 / 15 questions
for(int i=1; i<15; i=i+3) { out.print(i);}
Cleaning up after yourself / 13 questions
If I have paint, glue or ink on my desk, I should:
Kolonialisme og imperialisme / 11 questions
pengeøkonomi er?
Native American Test / 21 questions
Where would I most likely find the following: wampum
Biologia 2010 / 40 questions
Płat potyliczny kresomózgowia to pole... a płat czołowy to pole....
Knowledge test - Goal 1 - First term - 8A / 45 questions
Complete the sentences with these words to make phrasal verbs with get. (Use lowercase) along away back out over 4. Bethany got _____________ the accident very quickly.
guess who / 27 questions
I've never ridden on a four-wheeler
/ 30 questions
Hegar : ....Sulis : OK, I hope We can meet again.
Survey / 25 questions
How often do you follow the presidential race? Never vs frequently
INGLES10 / 10 questions
BY THE WATER I live in a house by the water. I sit by the water ach day. I take my bag with me. In it, I pack a book and a blanket. I also carry a chair and a basket of food. I walk down my back steps and sit in the same spot along the sand.When I go out to the water in the morning, I am alone. I hear the water. I see the boats. I feel calm. It is the part of the day I like best.Later, some children come to play by the water. It is afternoon. I hear them laughing. I see them play ball."Nestor, Nestor!" the children yell when they see me on the beach. I wave and smile. "Play ball with us, Nestor!" the children shout."No, thanks," I say. "I am too old to play ball. I walk with a cane and my hands are no longer good at catching." I try to read my book, but it is hard with all the noise.I watch mothers and fathers fish along the shore. I am happy. I hear the water. I see the boats. I eat my lunch.Later, the sky gets dark. I gather all of my things and go back to the house. I get in bed. I hear the water through my open window. The sound puts me to sleep. Which of the following things does the narrator bring with him to the water? I. foodII. a blanketIII. a fishing pole
Mediepsykologi / 26 questions
Hvor i hjernen bliver dopamin produceret?
past / 15 questions
Минато несвршено време искажуваме со
jacek / 50 questions
25.Które z poniżysz skrótów określają stany graniczne nośności (ULS)
Read the excerpt below and select the author's purpose. It was a glorious morning in Alabama. The sun was shining through the trees. Alan couldn't wait to find his fishing pole and call his friend Sam to go fishing. They had a great time on these early morning fishing trips. They took their dogs with them and the dogs would swim in the lake while they fished.
How well do you know UMotherClucker? / 12 questions
How many Igns do I have?
Mašinski materijali / 18 questions
Bakar ne provodi električnu struju.
Romantik / 12 questions
Hvem er ”de sieldne Faae” som forstår gudernes gave til mennesket – og som aner det Høie i Naturens Øie?
Design / 46 questions
Hvad vil det sige når noget er: Prét á porter?
B1G Chapter 2 / 20 questions
klopt dit? june the ninth
exploracion 9 / 22 questions
Report the following situation: Max: "everyday Frank reads a book."
rebWeb health test / 10 questions
I feel unbalanced and can't stand up. I feel ______
PLC / 16 questions
Hvem laver elevernes elevplan?
Biome / 20 questions
I can be found in the most northern regions of the world
STAAR Spelling List #1 / 22 questions
I gave the money ___ my teacher.
Lineære Variabelsammenhænge / 15 questions
I en lineær sammenhæng, y=ax+b, hvor kan konstanten b aflæses på grafen?
Verifica funghi / 20 questions
Alcuni funghi sono commestibili
Grammatiktest - substantiver / 41 questions
Substantiver, man ikke kan tælle. Vælg mellem TÆLLELIGT eller UTÆLLELIGT. krus
Nutidstest Januari / 11 questions
I fredags fick socialdemokraterna en ny partiledare, vem?
How well do you know Promotionz? / 20 questions
When is my Birthday?
Biology Back-to-School Survey / 10 questions
But these ones just haven’t:
Back-to-School Survey 9-1 / 10 questions
My favorite subject (besides science) is _________________________ because:
reading and writing 7b III Term / 21 questions
Vocabulary set 1: Food and drink (difficulty level 2) Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 1 Some people say you eat [cake / soup / onion] and others say you drink it!2 In England people sometimes have [cola / cake / soup] before their main meal.3 [Carrots / Chocolates / Sweets] are good for you. We eat them very often.4 Is he eating [chips / cola / chocolate] with his chicken?5 Can you get the [chocolates / soups / potatoes] ready for lunch, please? Answer for 4: write only the correct word. Do not use capital letter
Grammar Review - Simple Present / 30 questions
I ............... shopping today because I have too much homework.
Arrays by G.Vignesh / 10 questions
What will be the output of the program if the array begins at address 65486?#include int main(){ int arr[] = {12, 14, 15, 23, 45}; printf("%u, %u\n", arr, &arr); return 0;}
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