Jasmine Tea Benefits for Skin, Brain & Heart Health (Plus How to Make It) (2024)

Jasmine Tea Benefits for Skin, Brain & Heart Health (Plus How to Make It) (1)

Records show that starting in the late 1300s during the China’s Ming dynasty, jasmine tea became one of the most popular teas in Asia. It was also one of the first flavored teas to be exported out of China to the West and today still remains a very sought-after tea worldwide.

Is it as healthy as other teas? Not only does it have a soothing aroma and soft, floral taste, but benefits of jasmine tea include its ability to fight inflammation, protect cells from oxidative stress and support a healthy metabolism.

What Is Jasmine Tea?

What is jasmine tea made out of? It’s typically a type ofgreen teathat’s made with the addition of steeped jasmine flowers.

Jasmine plants are members of the olive family, also called the Oleaceae plant family. The flowers used to make this type of are usually derived from two related plant species: “Common Jasmine” (Jasminum officinale) or “Sampaguita “(Jasminum sambac).

These plants are native to the Middle East, including Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Jasmine is considered to be a health-promoting, anti-inflammatory tea because it contains antioxidants, including polyphenols. Polyphenols like EGCG have been shown to have free radical-scavenging abilities and other beneficial effects that help protect cells and tissues throughout the body.

What is the taste of jasmine tea?

It’s described as having a soothing, light, floral and clean but somewhat perfumed taste. Other traits used to describe the overall flavor profile include:

  • sweet
  • fresh
  • blossomed
  • dewy
  • bouquet
  • delicate
  • subtle

Green tea itself can sometimes be bitter depending on how it’s made, so jasmine tea might have a bit of bitterness, too. However, jasmine flowers themselves are said to have a naturally relaxing and soft scent, which some researchers suggest can help support a positive mood and provide stress relief.


The most commonly produced type of jasmine tea is the kind made with green tea. In some cases it may also be made by steeping jasmine flowers inwhite, oolong or black tea.

Depending on the specific type of tea, it might be mixed with other flavors or scented ingredients, such as:

  • lavender or chamomile flowers
  • fruit
  • spices
  • oils
  • extracts
  • natural or artificial flavors

Jasmine tea varieties differ from one another based on the exact type of leaves and flowers used in the tea, plus how they are steeped and for how long.

Various amounts and types ofgreen tea leaves many be used, which have different “grades” depending on the species and how they are harvested and processed.

When it comes time to steep the flowers to make this tea, two different methods are primarily utilized: the layering method and the mixing method.

The traditional layering method uses fresh jasmine flowers that are slowly dried on top of green tea leaves to improve the aroma and flavor by infusing the green tea before the tea is dried and packaged. The other method uses wilted flowers mixed in with green tea leaves.

Additionally, some manufacturers don’t use jasmine flowers but instead use jasmine essential oil, which is made by extracting the oils from jasmine plants. This essential oil is extremely expensive and rich in phytonutrients.

To cut costs, today some tea makers also use “jasmine natural flavor” or artificial jasmine flavor mixed with other teas, but this doesn’t have the same benefits as using actual flowers or essential oil.


1. High in antioxidants

One of the most well-researched jasmine tea benefits if its supply of antioxidants, especially polyphenols and catechins, such as EGCG (which stands for epigallocatechin-3-gallate).

These protective compounds are most abundantly present when the tea is made with high-quality green tea (from the Camellia sinensisplant).

Antioxidants such as catechins and EGCG are known to promote a healthy inflammation response, support normal cholesterol levels, and help protect the skin, heart and brain from free radical damage. They may also have the ability to fight caner by reducing tumor cell growth, decreasing tumor size and suppressing the spread of cancer cells.


Some specific flavanols and antioxidants found in jasmine green tea include:

  • EGCG
  • epicatechin
  • epigallocatechin
  • gallocatechin
  • other gallate derivatives
  • several sesquiterpenoids, which have anti-inflammatory effects and help promote healthy circulation

EGCG is associated with additional anti-aging health perks, such as enhanced metabolic activities that may prevent weight gain, and a boost in thermogenesis (the body producing heat by using energy). It may also help manage your appetite and support healthy blood sugar levels.

2. Can lift energy and focus

In addition to polyphenols, jasmine tea and green tea contain the amino acid l-theanine, which has positive effects on cognitive health, including the ability to increase alertness without causing “jitters” like some stimulants can.

This tea also contains small amounts of caffeine, which can improve concentration and motivation.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, jasmine tea is said to increase yang qualities, meaning it has warm, dry and bright qualities that make it uplifting. It’s recommended for people with “low yang,” such as those who live in cold climates, have lethargy or low energy, or who work too much or feel overly depleted.

3. Has a relaxing scent and taste

Jasmine tea is unique in that it has both stimulating and calming effects. The flowerpetals are thought to have a floral, calming aroma in part due to the presence of the compound called linalool.

Studies suggest that smelling linalool can help promote activity of yourparasympathetic nervous system, which is the part of your nervous system that helps you relax. Since it assists your body and mind inunwinding, this tea can potentially aid inlowering your heart rate and reducing muscle tension.

It may even increase release of the “feel good” chemical called GABA, which has mood-boosting effects.

L-theanine found within this tea also helps support a healthier response to stress, leading to improved relaxation and potentially benefits like better sleep.

4. Could help with weight maintenance

A study conducted on mice found that cold-brewed jasmine tea was able to attenuate high-fat-diet-induced obesity. It also improved gut microbiota.

The study authors noted that “cold-brewed jasmine tea attenuated weight gain, abnormal serum blood levels, fat accumulation, inflammation, glucose intolerance, metabolic endotoxemia, as well as differentially expressed genes related to lipid metabolism.”

It’s believed the EGCG and caffeine content plays a part in the fat-burning effects of this tea.

5. Protects against certain cancers

Thanks in large part to its antioxidant and polyphenol content, jasmine tea is known as a cancer-fighting food.

In fact, jasmine and green teas hav been associated with potential protective effects against the following cancers (although results are mixed):

6. Good for the heart

According to research published in Advances in Nutrition, “daily tea intake as part of a healthy habitual dietary pattern may be associated with lower risks of [cardiovascular disease] and all-cause mortality among adults.”

For instance, jasmine green tea consumption has been linked with “favorable outcomes with respect to risk of cardiovascular and ischemic related diseases.”

7. Can help lower diabetes risk

Animal studies have revealed that compared to a control group with diabetes, animals treated with jasmine tea had much lower blood glucose content, showcasing its potential to prevent diabetes.

In a human model published in 2021 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, daily green tea consumption was linked to a decreased risk for type 2 diabetes and all-cause mortality in diabetes patients in China.

So how much jasmine tea should you drink to protect against diabetes? A meta-analysis published in 2009 suggests four cups or more daily could lower your risk for this disease.

8. Promotes oral health

While more research is needed to verify the effects in the humans, evidence does show the potential of tea to prevent tooth decay. In fact, ” incorporation of tea extract in dental products such as dentifrices, mouthwash, dental floss, and chewing gums can prove to be helpful in prevention of dental caries thus, expanding its horizon from academic to clinical set-up.”

Thanks to its flavonoid and catechin content, jasmine tea can promote “periodontal health by reducing inflammation, preventing bone resorption and limiting the growth of certain bacteria associated with periodontal diseases.”

One study published in 2021 even went so far as to say, “There is an explicit association between the consumption of green tea and oral health.”

The study authors noted that green tea and its polyphenols can help prevent “periodontal and oral diseases due to their antioxidant, antimutagenic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and above all, cancer-preventive properties. Drinking green tea at meals and at breaks is a relatively easy habit and can improve the oral health status.”

9. Supports brain health

The polyphenols in tea have been shown in studies to protect against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It’s believed theanine, caffeine and theaflavins in jasmine tea are big reasons why.

These polyphenols have also been shown to help calm the mind and even promote better sleep in human and animal studies.

Jasmine tea is also though to help mediate autophagy — which occurs during times of stress — due to its high levels of flavonoids.

10. Easy to add to diet

You can buy jasmine tea at your local grocer or specialty stores or order it online. It’s quick and easy to make — as any tea is — and tastes great.

Whether you want a cup in the morning, with your breakfast or lunch, or in the afternoon for an energy boost, it’s simple to drink a cup any place and any time.

How to Make It

Can I drink jasmine tea every day?

Yes — considering jasmine tea benefits many different parts of your body, including your heart and brain, it’s an ideal type of tea to enjoy daily. This is assuming you don’t respond poorly to low amounts of caffeine intake.

Which type should I buy?

When purchasing jasmine tea you’ll have the option of either buying loose-leaf teas or bagged tea bags.

According to the Teatulia website, “There are at least seven provinces in China that produce jasmine tea, but the most famous and most traditionally scented jasmine tea comes out of the Fujian region.”

Look for teas made in the region if you’re looking for top quality.

How should the tea be stored?

Green teas are typically best consumed within six months to a year of purchase. To keep teas fresh, store them in a cool, dark place that is dry, away from light, oxygen and moisture.

How do I make it?

  1. To preserve the delicate antioxidants in green tea and jasmine petals, use very hot water but not boiling water. Ideally aim to use water that is around 160 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit. (It should be simmering, not boiling.) You can get the right temperature by allowing boiling water to rest a minute before pouring it over the tea leaves.
  2. Add about one teaspoon of loose-leaf jasmine tea for every one cup of water. If using “jasmine pearls,” use about 2–3 pearls per cup of water.
  3. Jasmine green tea should steep anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes depending on how the tea was processed. Most experts recommend steeping for about 3 minutes on average.
  4. The finished product should usually have a pale golden-yellow color with floral notes and a fresh finish.

When making this tea, you might find that finished product has a bit of an astringent taste. If this occurs, you can improve the taste by lowering how long you steep the tea, lowering the steeping temperature and purchasing high-quality jasmine tea leaves or flowers.

(Another tea loaded with health benefits that you can make at home? Ginger tea.)

Caffeine Content

Is jasmine tea high in caffeine? Considering it’s a type of green tea, it has the same caffeine content as other green teas.

The addition of jasmine flowers does not add more caffeine.

How much caffeine is in green tea/jasmine tea? It has 28 milligrams of caffeine per cup, which is less than coffee (95 mg per cup) and black tea (47 mg per cup).

The amount of caffeine per cup varies depending on the exact type of tea as well as how it was processed and prepared.

The caffeine in jasmine tea makes it different than most “herbal teas,” such as peppermint, ginger or chamomile teas, which are typically caffeine-free.

To reap the most benefits of jasmine tea without experiencing side effects, stick to about two to three cups per day.

Risks and Side Effects

While it’s generally safe to consume, people sensitive to caffeine should be careful of their tea intake.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should drink no more than one or two cups per day, as some research shows that more caffeine than this amount may interfere with normal heart rhythms.

Consuming caffeinated teas on on an empty stomach may also cause an upset stomach in some people. If this occurs, try having it with a meal.


  • Jasmine tea is a type of flower-scented tea that is most often made by steeping jasmine flowers in green tea.
  • Benefits of jasmine tea are similar to those of green tea, such as providing polyphenols and other antioxidants.
  • These compounds, such as flavanols and sesquiterpenoids, have many anti-aging effects and can help protect the heart, skin and brain.
  • Jasmine tea is both uplifting and calming. It can help increase alertness (it contains small amounts of caffeine and the compound EGCG) but can also help the body cope with stress.
  • Enjoy two to three cups per day for the most benefits. You can make it at home with loose tea leaves or flowers, or use dried jasmine pearls or tea bags.
Jasmine Tea Benefits for Skin, Brain & Heart Health (Plus How to Make It) (2024)


What happens if I drink jasmine tea every day? ›

The Bottom Line

Sipping on tea regularly not only helps you stay hydrated but offers a multitude of potential health benefits, from improved gut health to a lower risk of heart disease. Feeling tired and stressed? Instead of grabbing a coffee, try sipping on jasmine green tea to help you relax and boost your mood.

How to make the perfect jasmine tea? ›

For best results, we recommend that you pre-warm your vessel, and place 2.5 grams of leaf per 6 oz of liquid, before infusing with 160-175 degree water for up to 1-3 minutes. As with all green teas, Jasmine Dragon Tears can be infused at least three times.

How many cups of jasmine tea can I drink a day? ›

It's recommended to drink around 2-3 cups of jasmine tea a day to get the best health benefits and to stir up your metabolism and encourage healthy weight loss. Any more than 2-3 cups and those who are sensitive to caffeine may find that they start to feel the effects more.

What are the benefits of jasmine tea for females? ›

It's packed with antioxidants and has been linked to many impressive health benefits. For example, drinking jasmine tea may lower your risk of heart disease, mental decline, and certain cancers. It may also help you lose weight, improve oral health, and boost brain function.

Who should not drink jasmine tea? ›

If you have high blood pressure, kidney or liver problems, stomach ulcers or anxiety, the caffeine in jasmine tea is more likely to cause side effects. It also interacts with some medications, so see your doctor before drinking jasmine tea if you're on any prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

Is jasmine tea bad for blood pressure? ›

Jasmine tea has a lot of health-boosting effects. Particularly, it may prevent cancer, promote cardiovascular activity, lower blood pressure and other benefits. Moreover, the flower itself can keep the scent for a long time, so it is loved by many people.

How much jasmine tea per cup of water? ›

Step 1: Choose Your Jasmine Tea

For loose-leaf teas, use 1 heaping teaspoon for every 8 ounces of water.

What can you add to jasmine tea to make it taste better? ›

Instead of a traditional boba tea made from black tea, this recipe combines the floral flavour of jasmine tea with the chewy texture of tapioca pearls. Honey and milk add richness and sweetness to the drink, while the ice cubes make it refreshing.

Should you use boiling water for jasmine tea? ›

What is the right jasmine tea temperature? You should use water that is 175 to 180 degrees to brew jasmine green tea and jasmine white tea. Other types of jasmine tea with a black or herbal base should be brewed using boiling water.

Is jasmine tea good for the heart? ›

High oxidised LDL (bad) cholesterol is one of the main causes of strokes, blood clots and heart attacks. But antioxidant-rich jasmine tea can help keep stop oxidation, bringing levels of cholesterol down in arteries and veins.

Is jasmine tea good for the kidneys? ›

As strange as it sounds, it has its benefits, including helping people with high blood pressure, heart failure, swollen tissues and kidney disease. Jasmine Flowers by themselves have little capacity to expel urine other than the obvious way of keeping you hydrated.

Does jasmine tea clean your system? ›

Jasmine is considered one of the best flowers for weight loss. It posses the same diuretic properties as many other teas, which wash toxins out of the body quickly, helping to burn fat faster. On top of that, it contains epigallocatechin and gallic acid, which are know to speed up metabolism.

Which tea is good for skin? ›

6 Teas for Healthier & Glowing Skin
  • If you aren't into drinking tea you should seriously consider it. ...
  • Ginger root: Hyperpigmentation.
  • Peppermint tea: hormonal acne.
  • Chamomile tea: stress relief.
  • Rooibos tea: anti-aging.
  • White tea: rejuvenation.
  • Jasmine tea: reducing oily skin.
  • Green tea: reducing inflammation.

Can I drink jasmine tea on an empty stomach? ›

While drinking Jasmine tea on an empty stomach is generally safe for most individuals, some people with sensitive stomachs may experience acidity or discomfort. It's advisable to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Does jasmine tea affect hormones? ›

Jasmine flower has properties that balance the natural hormones in our bodies. Because of this, it has long been used to treat the female reproductive system.

What is the healthiest tea to drink everyday? ›

Green Tea

Green Tea is often considered one of the healthiest tea options. To produce green tea, leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant are steamed or pan fried and dried. The tea leaves aren't exposed to air and so they don't oxidize, and the green hue remains.

How does jasmine affect the body? ›

Jasmine is used on the skin to reduce the amount of breast milk, for skin diseases, and to speed up wound healing. Jasmine is inhaled to improve mood, reduce stress, and reduce food cravings. In foods, jasmine is used to flavor beverages, frozen dairy desserts, candy, baked goods, gelatins, and puddings.

Is jasmine tea good for your skin? ›

Jasmine Tea Benefits For Skin

Pure Jasmine tea can keep natural stressors at bay, helping you maintain clear skin. The natural oil present in it brings you the gift of an even skin tone. It works wonders for dry or delicate skin! The polyphenols destroy free radicals which cause wrinkles and skin damage.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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