The Pender Times from Pender, Nebraska (2024)

Nebraska Historical 1 Society Your News Items Largest Circulation in Welcome Please Send THE PENDER TIMES Thurston County Them In Early! Eight Pages More Than a Newspaper A Community Service PENDER ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU: WANT ADS A IN THE PENDER TIMES TELL LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU" Consolidated With The Pender Republic August 22nd, 1938 STORY IN FEW WORDS PENDER, THURSTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1940 NUMBER 24. VOLUME 53. Pender Vicinity Digs from Under Debris as Waters Recede County Bridge Loss About Farm Damage Is Heavy Pender dug from under the debris caused by this vicinity's worst flood which occurred last week. WPA workers have given immeasurable service in removing the debris from streets and alleys. Individuals whose homes were damaged are busy restoring their residences to their former condition.

The Red Cross representatives. working with other organiza: tions, have been efficient in relieving much distress and providing, essentials during the emergency. All roads to Pender are open but washed-out bridge, ap: proaches have made several detours necessary. The Logan bridge approach north of Pender seems to have sustained the worst damage. No Railroad Traffic No trains are operating thru Pender.

Thursday one repair crew was working near Thurston while another is repairing washed out trackage north of Bancroft. The work trains: are expected to reach the Pender vicinity Saturday or Monday. Over 25 cars of rock are expected to be necessary to fill the hole created by the current which undermined about: 100 feet of trackage in the Pender yards. The Logan ditch rail bridge north of town also in bad shape. The motor train which arrived on the evening the flood, is still at the depot.

County Damage High The damage to county pridges is estimated at $100,000, it was stated Wednesday. One steel bridge south of Macy, was damaged to such an extent that it will be necessary to send, the structure to the foundry for straightening. Other county losses will incur by roads, damaged by flood waters. Most Bodies Recovered Most bodies of the 10 dead in the Winnebago and Homer a areas have been recovered. The remains of the Lipp child and the Tebo girl have not yet been cated.

Services for Mrs. Louis Gatzemeyer, a former resident of this vicinity, who was drowned at Winnebago, were held at Bancroft Saturday. Services for other victims were held at Winnebago and Homer. REV. JAY TO LOCATE IN COLORADO Rev.

D. Jay, pastor of Pender, Thurston and Pleasant ValMethodist churches, will ley soon leave for Colorado where he will be assigned a pastorate. Rev. Jay is disposing of his household goods which must be sold by Saturday. Rev.

Jay's successor has not been announced. FORMER PENDER-THURSTON BUSINESS MAN DIES C. M. Bilger, early day Pender druggist and later a proprietor of a Thurston general merchantile business, died in Omathe latter part of last week. ha No details concerning his death were received in Pender Services were held in Omaha, Tuesday.

WESLEY LUHR ENLISTS IN U. S. NAVY Welsey Luhr was recently accepted for enlistment in the navy, subject to a second physical examination. He is at home. awaiting call.

He will probably be stationed at the Great Lakes training station for a three month period. DON BROWNRIGG APPLIES FOR PRISON PAROLE Don Brownrigg, who was sentenced to the state prison for taking about $100 from Nels Pearson last Fall has applied for a communation of sentence. His hearing will be held July 10th. Official Order of Nebraska State Board of Health All basem*nts and homes that have been flooded should be sprayed with a solution of H. T.

H. All canned goods touched by flood waters should be washed with clear water and then immersed in a bath of H. T. H. The city will furnish free of charge to each family enough H.

T. H. to perform the above. requirements. Call at the Jensen Pharmacy for your requirements.

FORMULA TO BE USED: 1 oz. H. T. H. dissolved in 1 gal.

water. To 1 pt. of the above solution add 10 of water. VILLAGE OF PENDER. former Pender Woman Dies at Sioux City Mrs.

Ethel Vander Linden, formerly of Pender, died suddenly in her apartment in Sioux City Thursday of last week. She will be remembered Pender people as Mrs. Ethel Daily Herron. Her death at the age of 58 years was attributed heart failure, The deceased was born at Lebanon, and came to Pender in her early childhood with her parents. After making her home until about 15 years ago she moved to Alton, la.

Following the death of her husband Mrs. Vander Linden resided in Sioux City. Mrs. Vander Linden was a member of the Presbyterian church at Alton, and will be remembered by Pender friends as a kindly woman of high Christian principles. Surviving are two sons, Floyd Herron of Fort Worth, and Charles Herron of Sioux City, la.

Final rites were held Monday from a Sioux City funeral home. Interment was made at Alton, Ta, Among the Pender friends attending the services were Mrs. John Buis, Mrs. Frank Parker, and Dick Takken. FINK NUPTIALS The St.

Anthony church at Barney, N. D. was the scene of a pretty summer wedding Monday morning, June 3 at 9 o'clock, when the lives of Miss Augusta Fink, daughter of John H. Fink of Barney, and George Merry, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Merry of Pender, were united in marriage. Father Sammon officiated at the service and celebrated the Nuptial Mass. Mrs. Frank Viet played the wedding marches and furnished the music thruout the services. The bride wore a white silk lace dress made on princess lines with a full skirt fashioned with buttons down the back.

Her floor-length veil was of silk net trimmed with lace insets held in place by a halo cap of seed pearls. Her bridal' bouquet was of red roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Elsie Fink, sister of the bride, wore a gown of pink satin covered with pink net. Her bouquet was of pink and white carnations. John Griffith, a friend of the groom, was the best man.

The men were attired in conventional dark suits. A reception dinner was held at the Hotel Wahpeton Wahpeton, N. for the immediate relatives and friends. A four-tier wedding cake and flowers, centered the bride's table. The newlyweds left following the reception on a wedding trip to Chicago.

They returned to Pender Monday evening where Mr. Merry is at present employed at the Heyne Lumber Co. RECUPERATING AFTER SIX WEEK'S ILLNESS Bancroft- -Mrs. P. J.

McManus now of California and a former resident of Pender, suffered a hand infection which entered her blood stream resulting in a six week stay in a hospital. She is recuperating and expects to visit Bancroft soon: UNDERGOES OPERATION Bancroft--Bill Engelhardt entered the Lutheran hospital at Sioux City Tuesday morning and submitted to an operation for appendicitis. 'Eye-in-the-Sky' Looks Over Southeast Pender During Flood Dope Addicts Are Taken to Norfolk D. C. Hughes and his wife, Edith, were removed from the county jail here last Friday and taken to Norfolk by two state patrolmen, accompanied by Miss "Pat" Johnson who acted as police matron.

They had been arrested here the previous Saturday by state patrolmen and Marshall Buntrock as suspected shop lifters. It later developed that the pair were dope addicts and a search revealed a stolen pad of prescription blanks. The records showed the man to have been arrested 43 times in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and He served three prison terms, one at the state pen in Oklahoma for three years During the absence of the Sheriff, Elliott, the woman attempted to slash her wrists with glass. Mrs. Elliott refused to become excited by the prisoner's actions.

It was indicated that the narcotic division of the F. B. I. was interested in the case. The man is charged with larency and the woman faces a forgery complaint Student Air Pilot School at Wayne Civilian Pilot Training School at Wayne State Teachers College begins June 15th.

Tuition in this school is to be free. All college students and recent graduates of any college between the ages of 18 to 25 are eligible. The course consists of 48 hours of ground instruction and 35 hours of flight instruction which is to be given at Wayne State Teachers College and the Wayne Municipal Airport. Each student has to pay $6.00 for his physical examination but if he passes the physical examination this $6.00 is refunded to him. So that all successful applicants receive their training free.

Applications are now being taken by the college and all those eligible and interested are asked to get their applications in immediately. Training will be given to units of 15 students each and as many units will be trained as the enrollment permits. BERNIE UNDERWOOD ESCAPES SERIOUS INJURIES Bernie Underwood miraculously escaped serious injury and possible death Wednesday when his arm became entangled in a grain conveyor at the Mosemanelevator here. The conveyor was stopped in nick of time. Underwood sustained head bruises and dislocated arm muscles.

FORMER WALTHILL EDUCATOR DIES IN LINCOLN John Ludwickson, 67, retired educator, died in Lincoln Wednesday, The deceased served as Walthill's school superintendent for 21 years. $1,000 Slashed from District School Budget at Annual Meet Expect Additions In Commercial Staff Next Year The amount to be raised by taxation in the Pender school district was set at $15,000 at the annual school meeting last Monday evening. Only three citizens exclusive of the board, were preSent. This figure set is a cecrease of $1,000 as compared to the sum fixed for last year. The amount to be raised from other sources is anticipated to be $6,000 which will bring the expected operating costs to 000 for the coming year.

The treasurer's report showed no outstanding warrants and the sum of about $5,200 on hand for use during the coming year. It was pointed out that the bulk of money, derived through taxation, was now received in the spring by reason of the present tax payment law. It was expected that an additional instructor would be engaged to provide an outstanding course in the fundementials of commercial education. A noticeable increase in the number of tuition students from out of the district was reported. It is expected that real estate valuations will.

be lowered which will effect the levy, The Aftermath of Last Week's Flood Pender thoroughfares were crowded with out of town sight see-ers last Sunday. The highway near Homer was jammed with people to view the area which suffered the heaviest bundern of the flood. Special police at Homer prevented spectators stopping. "Mickey" McGuire, with his truck, was marooned southeast of Pender during the deluge. As the water continued to rise, Mickey mounted the top of his cab his last hone.

At sun rise he surveyed they, situation and realized his peril. He made a silent vow to never again put a plugged nickel in the collection box. The mail service in and out of Pender has not yet been restored to normal. No truck service was substituted for the mail service, usually provided by the motor train which still is tied up at the Pender depot. Sancy Reznicek, Times reporter, isn't afraid of hi-water, mice or jitterbugs.

But Harvey Christensen of The Times force saw her fleeing from a snake in waters near her home and feels positive she broke all Olympic records. A letter from Congressman Karl Stefan asks The Times to convey to the people suffering from the disaster his most heartfelt sympathy. He states that the Red Cross responded promptly when informed of the flood. Congressman Stefan is in touch with the local 1 situation by telephone and telegraph. The swimming pool will be open Sunday.

Damage to the pool was slight. The measures taken by the village in re-opening the pool were approved by the state board of health. New Economy Store Opens In Pender The new Economy Market, operated by P. C. Woodward, formerly of Archer, Nebraska, will open for business to-day in the former Sas location.

The formal opening event will be held Saturday. Mr. Woodward, who has been a successful merchant in Archer, is bringing an innovation to Pender. The new store is a selfservice establishment. Baskets for convenience of shoppers are provided.

All the merchandise is new and the interior of the store has been completely remodeled. The page ad, listing many of the specials will be found 011 page three of this week's Pender Times. JUDGE McKINLEY OF DAKOTA COUNTY, DIES Judge Sherman McKinley, county judge in Dakota county for the past quarter century died last week. Macy Man Starts 1-Year Prison Term The American Legion hall was badly damaged by the flood waters. Dale Larson, who operated a skating rink in the hall sustained loss which may exceed $1500.

The legion will take up the matter of repairing the hailing at it's next meeting. The WPA work throughout the entire county was the subject of much favorable comment for their activities in removing debris. Much of the Pender damage can be found in basem*nts where walls have caved in. The Burlington officials expected to have their trackage repaired Thursday to the extent of allowing slowly moving trains to operate. The Red Cross is in field and has made a systematic survey of the conditions.

The organization, working in conjunction with other agencies, provided immediate aid for flood sufferers. The fence at the Heyne Athletic field was badly damaged in the deluge. "Pop" Warner at the Heyne Service Station was perched near a window killing snakes, rats and some animals swimming toward the station, using a long measuring stick for weapon. He was amazed when Bob Tuttle came swimming around the corner of the building. Warner had his stick poised to strike but withheld the blow as Tuttle came around the bend.

A misplaced correction line appears under the aerial picture on page two. The thought, desired to be conveyed, is the location of the school building which is shown about one inch from the top on the extreme left hand side of the photo. County Officials Get "OK" From Auditors The state auditor completed reports of their examination of the books of all county offices this week and advised the records in all offices to be in excellent condition and that all funds are properly accounted for in accordance with statutory requirements. The report appears on page four of this week's Times and covers the audit of the books and records of Mrs. P.

J. McManus and Amy Jackson, County treasurers: Guy James and Floyd E. Griffin, County Clerks; Moris Rasmussen, Clerk of District Court; George J. Lemmon, County Judge; Ray Elliott, County Sheriff; Genevieve Welsh, County Superintendent; A. D.

Raun, County Attorney; W. A. Racely, County Surveyor; J. S. Tate, County Assessor; and Dwight Morgan, Thomas G.

Frey and Lester Gustin, County Commissioners. Cecil Hunter of Macy, who was sentenced to one year in the state penitentiary for burning the sides and stock rack belongto competitor trucker, A. A. Storms of Macy, was taken to Lancaster Tuesday by Sheriff Elliott. Hunter was arrested at Crawford, Nebraska at the request of Sheriff Elliott last Decoration Day.

DECEASED CIVIL WAR VET. ENLISTED THREE TIMES Among the interesting documents in the papers of Robert Sneath deceased, are those which show that he enlisted three times a volunteer in the Union army His first discharge recites that he enlisted April 20, 1861 under President Lincoln's call for soldiers to serve three months and that he was discharged en July 30, 1861. The second discharge gives the information that he immediately re-enlisted under dates of August 1, 1861, for a term of three years and was discharged on December 28, 1863. From his third discharge it is learned that on the day following December 29, 1863, he enlisted for another term of three years or during the war, and was discharged under General Order No. 77 dated June 6, 1865.

At his first enlistment he was by occupation a shoemaker and was eighteen years of age. Each of his enlistments was from Pennsylvania. There is also among the documents the fee simple patent which was issued to him on August 1, 1877, for the of Sec. 27, Twp. 25 5.

in Wayne Nebr. DR. LESTER BUIS TO RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Lester Buis, son of Mrs. John Buis of Pender, is moving to Richmond, June 15, to take residency in the St. Luke' hospital for a year, having finished a two-year term as pathologist at the Henry Ford hospital in Detroit, Mich.

TWO PENDER LADS AT BOY'S STATE MEET Pender had two representatives at Boy's State which convened in Lincoln last Saturday. George Christensen's membership was sponsored by the local American Legion post while Levon Slaughter received the Masonic lodge membership. JOE BARNAS IS OMAHA "U' GRAD Joe Barnas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Barnas, was one of the seniors to graduate from the Omaha University, at their commencement exercises held in Omaha Monday evening, June 10 He received his A.

B. degree majoring in Mathamatics and Psychology. He was also a member of the Sigma Phi Si Society. Bancroft Man Is Sentenced Sioux Falls Howard Anderson, 24, Bancroft, who duped merchants here with a "professor act," was sentenced to the South Dakota penitentiary Saturday for one year on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Anderson admitted in circuit court issuance of $72 in worthless checks at nine place here.

He posed as a student at one of the local colleges. When his check was questioned he professed to call a professor for identification. Telling the merchant he couldn't reach the professor but had left word for him to call, Anderson would go to a nearby phone. From there he called the merchant, pretending to be the professor and gave an "okay" on the check. Sioux City Journal.

BEUTLER-SIMONSEN WEDDING AT BANCROFT Miss Elverna Beutler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Beutler, of Bancroft, became the bride of Elwood Simonsen, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Hans Simonsen, Tuesday, June 4th at a ceremony performed in the St. Pauls church in Bancroft. Rev. W. E.

Homan, pastor of the church. officiated using the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Homan furnished the organ music. Attending the couple were Miss Rose Butler as bridesmaid and George Klabunde as best man.

The bride was attired in a white chiffon lace wedding gown with a long veil extending into a train. This was held in place by a halo of artificial flowers. Her attendant wore a floor length pink georgette dress trimmed with pink bows. Both carried a bouquet of pink rose buds and sweet peas. Following the ceremony, a reception dinner was served at the home of the bride for the bridal party and immediate relatives.

The home decorations were of the bride's chosen colors of pink and white and the Misses Marie Schock and Ilen Simonsen assisted with the serving. The newly weds will establish their home on a farm seven miles northwest of Bancroft. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED THIS WEEK Marriage licenses were issued the past week by County Judge George Lemmon to Miss Sara E. Harris and Chester R. Colony, both of Walthill, who were married by Rev.

Yost of Walthill on Monday, June 10; also to Miss Garnet Anderson and Charles Gary, both of Sioux City. Judge Lemmon performed the ceremony, Saturday, June 8..

The Pender Times from Pender, Nebraska (2024)
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