Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1933 Page SIX Section A Taxation, Equalization Rules Adopted By Financial Control Board LEADER Sentiment Grows For Best Dog And Prize Winners roncy ui lniiauon Cready. Bee was also judged as beat or the breed. Bloodhounds Mark, puppy, dog, owned toy C. A. Ttnsley, won first In his class, and also first in local, dogs, Mr.

Tlnaloy's Polly silk won first In puppy, bitches. His Dartmore Lady won first in novice, bitches! while Blue, also owned by Mr. Tins- value in money ot each lot or parcel i ol land and ol each improvement thereon, jmlnnd's American prince, owned by Mrs. Edcnr W. Miller; Chicago IV.

owned by Charles Grand, chow Chows, novice, dogs: First, Ohang-Poo-Ung, owned by Mrs. It. MlTlaire; second. Chicago IV, owned by Charles Grand; third, Choonam Chunky Boy, owned by Mrs. Rose S.

Jarves. Chow chows. Amertcan-brod. dops: First. Ohang-Foo-Ung.

owned by lug many wild Mlh- COMES TO CLOSE Easter Season Marks Arrival Of Slimmer Resident Birds Of N. C. The WILL RE-VALUE lev, won second In novice, bitches ANNUAL DRIVE TO BE FOR Y. M. C.

A. MEMBERS Seen As Inevitable By Many Leaders At Washington Bv WALT EH BROWN IC, Mlllairei serond. Choonam roily RUk waa Judged first In win- Mrs. aepi "tb) The local assessment officers shall adopt a uniform standard unit value for determining the true valuc in money of sll lots and parcels of land which shall be known and designated as the standard unit foot and which shrill be a strip of land a foot wide and 100 reel deep lor central business property and one foot wide and 160 feet deep tor residenti Chunky Boy. owned by Mrs.

i Thi ii. SAILS FOR MEET MacDonald Has Highest Hopes For Success Of Coming: Parleys (Continued From Page One) his mission to be to lay the groundwork for the forthcoming world economic conference in Lndon. "I am looking forward to having long talks with President Roosevelt, Many Fine Animals Arc Shown In Two-Day Program Here nt iiatii-i- Ir uill ken Millie UrltlM. Ei Chow Chows, limit, doss: First, Choonam Chunky Boy, owned by Mrs, Jorves. nhow Chows, oncn, blnrk.

doiis: ners. bitches; while Dartmore iaay plncecl In reserve. In local, bllches, Mr. Tlnsley's does placed as follows; Polly Silk, first; Dartmore Lady, second: and Blue, third. Mr.

Tlnaloy's braces also won, as did his team. Mark was Judged the best ol the breed. Collies Collies, novice, doirs; First, Roll- al property, or such Standard aid Found Chiefly In Bogs Or Woodlnnds, Says L. Clement -(Continued Prom Page One) First, Cho-To, owned by Moosilauke 1 Kennels. Bvnlinname Jonathan, owned chow Chows, open, docs, rrcl: First, Washington Bureau "I Cillrrn and Times WASHINGTON, April IB.

President Roosevelt at his press conference Wednesday spoiled a multitude of headlines which appeared In newspapers the early part of this week The Chief Executive waa pictured as being opposed to inflation and also In favor of it. Indirectly, he was Be First. by Mr. and Mrs. L.

von yKr Monn, owned oy licrom m. Mimosa Knlclll ot June, n.irlrr second. Choonam l.nmnu' Real Values Will Considered Under New Plan depth a.s the local assessment Gf the shall adopt. Shall Determine value r' "The local assessment officers shall ble wl determine the fair cash value of the for di strip of land In the middle of each detrnc block extending one loot along the ence. street froiiUige and ni right angles owned by Mr.

and Mrs. Von Glahn: I chow, owned by L. M. Griffith; third, 1 nRncres Chief, owned by 1swls Nun- third. Mimosa Tam-trananter, owutu Choonam cnunay own uy l0y THE annual membership campaign of the Young Men's Christian association will be held for four days beginning May 22.

It was announced yesterday. Zeb F. Curtis, Ashevllle attorney, has been made general chairman in charge of the drive. Chester Brown is chairman of the membership committee. The committee is meeting weekly to discuss plans for the campaign.

Meetings are held at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the S-and W. cafeteria weekly. Mr nnri Mvr. VOll (uahh. bo able to do' something that will quoted as favoring and opposing in surance of bank deposits.

be of benefit to the world as a Mrs. jarvee, Collies, Amorloan-bred, dogs; First, Far Land Moon, owned by Mr. ovncA hJ, Mr, Harter, won first In wlniiers, dogs. second, Magor Supremacy, Shall Rules and regulations for govern to the to depth of LOO or ana uki-w owned bv Bussei c. Davis, nig ine taxation aim equalisation i jo feet, (or of real property in Buncombe county the local uch standard depth as essment officers K'entKls.

won reserve. 'Scottish Terriers, novice, dogs; First Mike of Mount Plsgah, owned by Bruce Webb; second, Tommos ol Plsgah owned by Gilmer third, Plssah Sandy, owned by Mrs. John B. Hursey; atid fourth. Mac-Dougal.

owned by Frank Mums. A confused group of Washington correspondents Wednesday asked the President which of the reports were true. It unwed out that they were all wrong, to a certain extent. Legis Collies, limit, dogs, sable or sablo Mr. MacDonald said as he boarded the train for Southampton in London.

In addition to a group of experts, he is accompanied by his daughter, Iahbel, who was with htm when he nine been adopted b' nu board ot have adootedl and the value de- and white; Fust, iooie onguuie. Chow chows, local, dogs: First, Chang-FOO-Llng, owned by Mrs. Mlllalre; second, Choonam Chlllklc Chow, owned by M. Griffith: third, financial given th' ontrol and copies have been termlued shall be the standard unit tax assessors who will re- foot value to be considered amonc and i a grOUpB, Thomas lation dealing with the monetary -The Scottish Terriers. Aniencan-oicti OUn- otlirr thintrs the value property in the cltv and ty within the next few weeks.

First. Tommos of Plsgah. owned I choonam Chunky Boy, owned by Mrs. of each lot or parcel of land In such nni upon tin ord ol land tiM block fronting on such -street. bv Mr second, Alexander jov jarves.

McTavloh owned by Mrs. Samuel J. Chow Chows, puppy, bitches: Firs'. Fisher. third.

Sandy Son of Pis- Mel-Mel-Sing, owned by Mrs. Mlll- owned by Isabel Fisher; second, RolllngacVes Chief, owned by Mr. Nunley. Collies, open, dogs, sable or Ka-ble and white; First. Noble MacTavlsh.

owned by W. H. Wearn, second, Rolllngacrea Chief, owned by Mr. Nunley. Collies, open, dogs, white; First, Land of Prospect, owned by Miss Florence Osborne.

shall Ihe local assessment oi fleers value CJiuse to be marked on unit visited President Hoover In 11'J9. question as wen as wim insurtmuc Their suite oh the Bcrcngaria was of bank deposits Is In the preliminary filled with flowers from orchids to stae and no definite course has been the white heather of the prime mln- charted. The President has conferred Ister's Scottish heaths. This heather with 40 different people, representing is a symbol of good luck. all views on the questions involved.

Mr. MacDonald made it clear that but nothing definite has been agreed he did not expect to return with I upon. uny documents or agreements. He i Based on the feeling prevailing in made a talkie record of his departure congress, a.s well as the opinions Asse-vors are now at work In' the area of the city nnd ure determining key or unit values. Assessors in this area are Leicester Chapman, w.

H. Lass! l. r. Sumner, B. Nixon B.

C. Outlaw. Stanley DORSETT TO HEAR CASES FOR W1C. Chow Chows, novice, bitches: First, gah Laddie, owned by -Mrs. rrana n.

i aire Hill (mirth. Jock Alone, owned by n. maps the standard unit values so established lor each block of front r.hl II. owned bv L. Grlf- Sim a ne.

st dea on each street represented uh Benttlsh Terriers limit, dogs: First fith; second, Mel-Mel Sing, owned by it. 8am Forbes, w. P. Humphries such map. Mike' of Mount Plsgah, owned bj I Mn Noble MacTavlsh wn9 declared Hul I.

C. Chance. "These standard unit loot value Chow Chows. AineiuHi f.t wlrtnnrl, Noblo ue oi ei county these Bruce Webb; second, Plsgah Punky, i n4wm.l A McCoV third. CS ii, own en pj 1 Plrst, Mel-Mel-Slns I D.

Hi 111 1 1011 jt tp Mrs MJllalre in which he said he hoped his visit, expressed by those close to the art-would strengthen Anglo-American ministration, there Is only one con-good will and lead to new ways of I elusion and that Is expansion of cooperating in the difficult task of the currency and guarantee of bank CoUlee, local, dogs: First Magor Davis; SLtrJL Chow Chows, limit, bllches: First, 'The resolution provides; that all taxpayers shall have "access during office hours at tho local tax su- 1 peryiadr's office to all uniform rules and regulations governing calculation of depth, corner Influenof, and other i Sunromacv. owned by Mr maps shall represent nrea.s of convenient size for use it desired at com-! munlty meetings for discussion ol tho unit foot values entered thereon. "(c) Before final determination by the local assessment oitlcers of the Scottish Terriers open dogs: First. Sun Idol Baby Doll, owned nj mis. GaSm Llegay owSea' by" Nosegay Edgar W.

Miller. Cond, Lao List Of Compensation Cases Includes 19 In Ashevillc Tor rt- a nan win: freeing the world rrom tne aonormai deposits are inevitable, a snowaowa distress from which It suffers. on these two important issues wilt He looked forward to renewing his not be delayed very much longer, personal friendship with Mr. Roose- situation Becomes Acute detracting mn ancing or cietractln bitches, black; andttrd Unit loot values recorded "Aa-nori hvR. H.

Wasson; third Chow Chows, open. Ths second, Land of Prospect, owned by Miss Osborne. Collies, American bred, bitches; First, Fay of Arden, owned by Mrs. W. E.

Hemphill. Colllea, limit, bitches, sable or sable and white: First, Noble Bannockburn, owned by Isabel N. Fish- regulations set out that the tax on the land value maps, the lo Black Carolina, owned by Dora veit, wnom ne nrsmneo as a man Mflanwnue wis ftg.wwun MiKe of Mount Piscnh. owned by First, wchb: fourth. MacDougal, Millet shall "so value and criual- isseSsment officers practica er and thi protection whose con race and sincerity have al fhnw Chows, onen, bitches, ren Thla this bud that is.

Increase or thr valuations of according to law. that tol Hill for legislation dealing with i Nine cases involving workmen's the currency question Is becoming compensation in which Ashevllle pcr-oHminiaiViiHiwi is ffo-! sons or companies are interested will ble, provide for public meetlu. to bi' -called by them for the purpose1 study to Uj, owned bv Frank Nums, rjnitfU! Nfwpuav. owned bv NOSfl- First, Pao Hong Ho. owned by Moosl- ready won for him the trust of his people.

ihe asesament on which taxes are of public discussion and oommui pnv Kennels, won first in winners. lauke Kennels and expression of opinion on the Chow Chows, open, tmencs, any Mrs. Henrietta Proctor Dontiell, of Larchmont, N. Is shown here with her three prize winning Chihuahuas. Buz of Etty Haven.

Patsy and Tltlana of Etty Heven. These were the smallest dogs at the Ashevllle Kennel club dog show Friday and yesterday at the Carolina Tobacco warehouse. They won all prizes in their classes. nnd Toddler Blairgowrie Collies, open, bitches, white; First, Haywood Lassie, owned by Miss Os- prevent an open revolt unless there 1 mhnr roior: First. BlUe Fascination, plied by Mr owned by Mr.

Wasson, won in comes from the White House, a mes- llm I bo Other Western North Eleven Nations Have Pledged Co-Operation clo extended shall be auch that every per son or corporation shall be taxed up on tjaxabjo property in proportion tr the kpI his. her or its such prop outlined ell In i thrive owned bv Dora Miller, rao nong no, pome, hV Moonllauks Kennels, won Noble i jt i.i birds of their Ban nock burn was judged ard unit foot values entered on the unit value mapj and also for dlscuMlon of the uniform standards and rules considered (among othot things) in arriving at tne value of Scottish Terriers, local, dogs: rirsi be sage on the subject. Both sides, that L.omponsi,Uon Cfl8es t0 be heard by is, favoring expansion and lnc commissioner, include five in Le-who style themselves as "sound nolr tnree Morganton, one each money" advocates, agree that the jn Burnsvlile and Marshall, two each sooner the Issue is settled one way in Wavnesville and Sylva, one in Bry- birth, often wtlhlit UU0 re bom, 'I'he ma OhU kadee 1 1 VI ype, Thftie 8 use of gucl cere, ana up Mike of Mount Plsgah, owned by i first In winners, bitches; and Sun Bruce Webb second. Tommos of Pis- Idol Baby Doll, owned by Mrs. Edgar gah, owned by Gilmer Wentz; third.

Miller, won reserve WASHINGTON, April 16. fH-Co The regulations follow the individual lots or lands and im mcnt thereon nal and the Can operation of all the eleven great na "Resolved, thai the folia wine rules movements th: tlons Invited was pledged tonight ()r ne other the better It will lie for son Cltv. five in Franklin, two in Sunnv Girl. n. owned by M.

Grif to copies of such sob "The local tuseeasmf eeiio orles, similar gulls The chim- ftMta Of lU kind never been found Special expedition "1 Purvey. Mr SUTlllgh eoUeotad 1 1 have been set out D) the WOlOflOAl IPKlW Ol birds in un.imbe coiihlv JSuivey and by museum'. to rind There are other he Is working on where this Strang! bird liven during at tho pronout time. Mo Imp a4mplee thr winter, but no one has ever found oi each sped, skins the btrdli and I the winter hilling place, He merely (rents kln with arsenic He then disappears overntgni iir a nest, thla luaerli cotton and wnw the akin bird uses daad i- -'v glued together I oaek in place These Mont to and to the chimney Mdr with snllvn Washington OT to murum SO from hie mouth Vary soon now, huu- t)f tho birds or tiw Western I dreds of his trkhe ma) l' tu cu.i- Noun Carolina forests, Mr Burleigh i ing chimney topi at sundown, tt.n wMKipoXer i tne most Wood Parker is Valuable valuttbia to timiwr land, slnee he Another Inteinnting and Valuable I keeps Ireiu rlosued oi InseOti Pine i bud here, nnd elsrwheir. is Hie wood- borers lu many arms of PNiah Na- I I now.

ami ins industry devouring ktrmluated by woodpeclteri inseois ot the fores round in bsrk Western North Carolina's bird sea! crevices, keeps UmhsrUndl riom be-1 son is now on for nil species, with th Ing killed by the wholesale endxfiepMon of tome of migratory birds apreading or thousands or kinds of (The resident birds' ro buay weleom! I Insects. The woodjiecker invarinhlv "ig, or wrangling with, the summer nests in deep hole pecked oui bint Soon, however, the summer I tree or telephone pole He does not birds win start broods iiy thai time, oara how hard tho wood, lu tmi. Vh weWetrt hVnfci tt hat havchedj the hn tiler the bettei. since is their firm family of the season Later. nnceasary that he keep bis I'hk worn ihe migratory bud win arrive, They down This beak if Mr Woodpecker I Will rest a few weka and 00 tO did not pound it constantly, itmUart their resting grounds in the north.

In sound to nn air hammer or aPThls fall, thry os through ngsln 1 machlni gun, would soon grow to 1,1 Saptember and October The sum-: i many inches in length Alter Dm War birds will Join thlU on woodpeoktr hM pecked out nest for ri' hU south, nnd the realdent birds i 1 himself nnd mate. leaves a soft 'be seed outing and luaoet eating I bedding or snwduut in the ludtont for i gTOUpS will povey hksIh fa*g tho win- tho eggs to rest upon. The hole Is ter. I Always doep enough for tho female Today th fhoiht is not of win-' to rest on tho eggs, while lite mail 1(r ipKlM nnd sununer, ol can perch some dtntnuco shovs hr Uxn. Warm "unllght nmi grovth The ntul wntch out ihe window or tne- blid sosson will ktn he lis host mleS, The lusldo of the hole I mu.

i oil to the far-reaching program of Wash- i Lne country. One new plan proposed Brevard, seven in Hendersonville and lngton parleys on world economic lR Lo glvfi jQ t)ie President authority five in Rutherfordton. recoverv which President Roosevelt rit-culatinc medium The li Ashevllle cases, set for i.d hts boon i'Ioa first in winners, bitches; with Fay I of Arden placing reserve. Collie, local, bitches: First, Fay of Arden. owned by Mrs.

Hemphill; second, Haywood Lassie, owned by Miss Osiborne. Noblo Bannockburn was Judged best of the breed, American Foxhounds American Foxhounds, puppy, dogs; First, Red Head, owned hy H. L. McConnell; second, Jlggs. owned by J.

M. Fox; third, Rainbow, owned by Mr. McConnell; fourth, Wheeler, owned by Mr. McConnell. American Foxhounds, novice, dogs: First.

White Top. owned by Dr. Dan Plsgah Sandy, owned by Mrs. John B. Hursey.

Scottish Terriers, puppy, bitches: First. Mimoss Tweed, owned by Mrs. Henry N. Carrier. Scottish Terriers, novice, bitches: Judy of Mount Plsgah, owned by Mrs.

Harry R. Johnson; second. Chnbbv owned by R. B. Stewart; and regulations be adopt governing "These maps with such final stand-the taxation and equalization of real rard unit foot values recorded there-property in the county of Buncombe, on shall be approved by ihe local as-State of North Carolina sessment officers and shall constitute Rule 1: City of Ashevillc.

i the officiU permanent record ol ihe "laj The local aasesment officers bumdard unit foot values recorded shall maintain asa permanent public 0M BVlCh map. record, accensible to the public during uh Cash Value cars shall Improve" i oi land bed to a Alfled na and such fith; second, Sansu's Lao Bon Yan, owned by Dora Miller; third, Black Caroline, owned by Dora Miller. Among the Chow Chows, the best of the winners award went to Far Land Moon, oned by Mr. Harter. Best of the breed award went to the same cause buildings and oihe ments on each lot or pat to bo measured nnd desi reaflonB bic oxten and i to use and construction; meaauremeht, description within certain limitations at will.

hearing beginning the morning of This is a great Kwer to be in one April 24 at 9 clock, follow: Grady A. man's hand8 but there are many peo- Wya BJf Highway mmls- Thg Nlk-N numbrr of ton ei'v rtlnpb" specie or orehlds will hold In coming weeks. Argentina's formal acceptance, made known today at the state de- i partment. was the last of the eleven. Each will send an outstanding member of its government to talk over with the President means of reviv- and pie in wasmngwn uuve mlsslon; Mrs DBltas Jackson, widow.

tit be Shi pp. sh ill be entered upon the ii mere is to oc any queawoi. of tO Malm this month nour.s. suitable record sheets or, "Such standard unit foot values and Blythe Jackson, son. and Blythe Jackson, son.

cards upon which shall be recorded uheiwnterpri twm.nnif.v ii nnn nneh l'ermnncui record ol each such lot should come over mpni oy an execu- JiK.kson deceased, vs. State Highway third, plisgah Lady, owned by Val I dog. Martin; fourth, Shclia, owned by J. Pointer Pointers, onen. does: First live oraer ramci uuhu uy rt iuur Com miss on.

Huncnmhr the elements (or basis! of valuation nnd value maps shall be considered of lnntt- In sssesalng -such Hero- cmerorencv relief fund. Dr. Morrison. At the head of thla distinguished out process of legislation. huiiding- and Improvements the lo During discussion of the farm bill: director; J.

M. Buchanan vs. Hall the IxmihUim again reached fch in the mountain summer bii to OUCkOOS, They xj week at May; Alii summer buds are tire roster of wo be present by tin month. These, and of summer birds, approximately Oc begin Uieh ftlgh nooks, making thi These summer bli southern stm America, Panama The Scarlet Tnag Th? Tanagera i Scottish Terriers, American-bred: with em Fly Guy, owned by R. F.

Mate itches- First Judy ol Mount Plsgah, honey. This dog also won first in owned bv Mrs. Harry R. Johnson; I winners, dogs. Jack, owned by II D.

line of dignitaries is Prune Minister Ramsay MacDonald. of Great Britain, in the Senate this week, the cur- Bros. Mercantile company; Jack nereinarter specified and requtr.d to among other things in arriving tho be recorded which. among other full fair cash value of each such dngs, were taken into consideration standard unit of vaiue tor each lot or the local assessment officers in I parcel of land in any block fronting pertaining and determining the true cn any single street indicated there- B. Sevier; second.

Frank, owned by J. Homer Ward; third, Dan. owned by John Noland; fourth, Mc-Kcnna. owned by Dr. Sevier.

American Foxhounds, open, dogs: ii. Thai tin reserve- secendi Plsgah Maggie, owned by Mr. Ballard, von Jack. Pointers, local, dogs: First p. c.

Torlan: third, uusty, ownou SondfolJ Society is inner Of Boil Game Tli A Bondlty Mternry society team nt ring nigh school defeated tho i.nnirr Literary society team or the same school fl to i in baseball gam Ktdav afternoon. Mini, friendly rivalry In irU and other ncMvltlo, hns botwoen the (WO iMelotles this who left England today and will ar- rency Issue flared up and turned a Wilson vs. Hazel A. aoyKcn; cccu rive Friday April 21. dry debate on domestic allotment and Baughn vs.

Goode's Drug store; Others coming are kdouard Harriot. land leasing Into one packed with Claude Owenby vs. F. N. Bordner: former premier of France, arriving excitement.

Chas C. Hennlnger vs. Southern Fish April 24- Prime Minister Richard B. i Senator E. D.

Smith, chairman or Grocery company; R. D. Lindsey Bennett, of Canada, arriving April Senate agriculture committee which vs- Rees Sons company. owned by Mr. Ballard.

bv Dr. M. M. Leonard. I First.

White Top, owned by Dr. First, Sevier; second. Wade McKenna, Pointers, puppy, bitches 28: Finance Minister Guldo Jung, of farm bill, was nrodded AIinl. 2.5- 9 clock in the mornin? Brook's Sensation, owned by John V. owned by Dr.

Sevier; third. Buck. Brookshire. owned by Homer Ward; fourth, Long Pointers, novice, bitches: First, Sis! Branch, owned by Dr. Sevier, of French Broad owned by H.

While Top won first In winners, J. McMlnn vs, Eckerd's; Cecil Hill Italy, due about May Finance Mln- mto a discussion of the monetary We Exterminate RATS, ROACHES, MICE, BEDBUGS, MOTHS, ETC. Results Oitfiruutecrif Moderate 001 assessment officers shall take Into conslde: utlon, other thinn. these measurements and descriptions, the scheduled reproduction standard unit costs, and depreciation elements; and all such elements shall be applied uniformly to all buildings or improvements to which in the judgment or the local assessment officers these elements are uniformly applicable, Applies To "(h) Rule one Includes and applies to any and all asser.Mnents or reassessments hereafter made or now in course of being made. "di The proper local assessment officers shall so value and equalize, Scottish Terriers, limit, bitches: First, Chubby, owned by R.

E. stew-art, second, Dixie Girl, owned by Mrs. Florence Martin; third. Honey, owned toy Mrs, M. M.

Leonard; fourth, Mi-mess Tweed, owned by Mrs. Henry N. Scottish Terriers. open, bitches: vs. D.

Pender Gro. company; Leonard Crenshaw vs. Violet Hilt sanitarium; ter T. V. bonn'.

of unina, expeowa (nirstlon bv senator Huev Long. After 1 1 Ik- ii rn sll Pounders. aos; ana nan won reeervw about May 7: Viscount Klkujiro Lshll, pointing out thai he nau some aouous i a the S. A. Stevens vs.

Biltmorc dairv; Mrs American Foxhounds, local, dogs; Pointers, open, bitches: First. Here I "(d) In arriving at the final de- termination of the value of each lot or parcel of land on any street I in any block the local assessment of- fleers shall take into consideration, i among other things, and record on the permanent record sheet or card ol such lot or parcel of land the standard unit value of land on that street in that block as finally deter- mined by the local assessment of-1 fleers and finally recorded on the land valuo maps mentioned above. They shall also take Into considera wlthem Smartie, owned by R. F. Ma- r.

cost build such perks out od of Jun- IMHlM Hot Its I HIT In First. Walnut Bridcet. owned by Idle- i loney Chlropraettr Relegiet nt powar Within First, Frank, owned by Mr. Ward: second, Dan. owned by John Noland; third, Buck, owned by Mr.

Ward. American Foxhounds, novice bitches; First, Jonsie, owned by NntuM-t nalllnsi eeond. Judv. owned southern mI of South AiAerlce the winter It is not necessary fOl them to do so insofar fl warmth I concerned, but thev usually fin.l feeding grounds occupied rtiwugtoout th" south by the tune they Start migration and me forced to keep sailing southward to find food Tin largest number ot summer birds return to Western North Oarolina dm. former Japanese foreign minister, and Elgo f*ckai, deputy governor of the Bank of Japan, arriving between May 25 and May 31; and Alberto J.

Pani, head of the Mexican finance department, now at Miami, Fla. Dr. Hans Luther, new German ambassador and former governor of the RelchSbank, who will represent Germany In tho conversations, arrived about the wisdom of several of the Neme Truett, widow of H. L. Truett, features of the measure but that the deceased, Beacon Mfg.

company; administration's request for early r. b. Baker vs. Clirtchfield Manufac-paaaage should be heeded, the South turlng company; J. M.

Mlckle vs. Carolina senator said: Beacon Manufacturing company; Lee Currency Expansion Crowder vs. National Casket com- "I do not bciievo this bill, if It pany; Bruce P. Ollis vs. Carl K.

Bry-were perfect, or the banking and I an. (Arizona case); Clarcnco currertcv bills that we have Blair vs. Ashevllle Construction corn- Tho kingfisher bu la id i tnat is, increase or decrease the val- ltd the i usu sou mln Id then rioty Of realdtni er here any named nccordi ng i i he they infike. the wny thev bn 1 nests or their hnblli The vt ptCleS cf winter, summer, by Mr. Collins; third, Lucy Palmer, I The Country Gentleman, champion seller of America, which waa named owned by Mr.

Collins. "best dog In the show" at the Ashevllle Kennel club show last night. The American Foxhounds, open, bitches; dog olso won In a special class, He la shown with his handler, B. F. Lewis, First, Julie, owned by M.

Fox; sec- of Philadelphia. The dog Is owned by Dr. A. Mitten, of Philadelphia, ond. Seattle Peniiv.

owned by J. D. rr: Phone ''WrOT can avail until we address ourselves yesterday and visited me state ue- wood Kennels; second, Gaby of Grove Pointers, local, bitches; First, Park, owned by Mrs. Richard W. Aus- of French Broad, owned by tin.

Walnut Bridget took first place panders. In winners, bitches; and Judy of I Best of winners was Mr, Matoney'a Mount Plsgah, owned by Mrs, John- Herewlthem Fly Guy. This dog was son. won reserve. also Judged as best of the breed.

Scottish Terriers, local, bitches: English Setters First, Judy of Mount Plsgah, owned English Setters, puppy, dogs: First, by Mrs. Johnson; second. Chubby, McElroy'n King of Ashevllle. owned by Mr. Stewart; third, Dixie! English Setters, novice, dogs: First, iri, owned by Mr.

Martin; fourth, Max Ghost, owned by I. K. Stearns; Ptegah Maggie, owned by Mrs. Torlan. sncond.

Joe, owned by Hobart Evan. Best of the Scottish Terrier breed English Setters, American bred, waji awarded Galsgill Nosegay, owned dogs: First Max Ghost, owned by tion nna record on said record card notions according to law, the amount of enhancement or de- assessment on which taxi traction Influencing Ihe value of any tended shall be suoh that lot due to greater or less depth than son or corporation shall that the are ex-ery per-je taxed Other Western North Carolina cases The mlgr amain hei partment today lo meet Secretary to nn expansion of tho currency to and tiiU'rntorv id I'd I ret 17 College Ashevllle leave the valley where they were raised. During winter months, they nock with their paronta, splitting up into pairs in the spring, Tho average life-span of birds at this section Is eight to 10 years. All smaller birds are "old birds" hi this age. having been fortunate to escape from their enemies for decade.

Resident Dlrtli Among the resident birds, or birds which remain here 13 immihit of each year, nre the Downey Wood pecker, crow, Blue jay. Song Sparrow. Towhce, Hairy Woodpecker, Blue Bird and It blu. The Fhoebe in the only riy catcher resident nnd tho KUdee is the only sand-piper specie Among the resident game birds are the Mourning Dove Ruffed Grouse. wild Turkey and Quail Then there Is the Carolina Wren, which builds tho largest neat for Us atye of any I bird.

The Starling is resident bird whlob came from Burope by way ol JVcw England, ilo is litr atily tihwk bird that Is Strictly resident In Western North Carolina During the winter months. West -era North Carolina reside nt bird band together in two Krouis Insect eaters and seed eaters. They o0 I Uhddr leaves, brush nnd other hi Iterlng I the spi ing, i bey pair and begin work on nests, No bird uses the same net twice, if more than one brood in nilscd, new ucMn nre built aftch time, A few birds remodel old nests The Robin and Blue nird npecicH rem- several broods uf youiiK each aummer. Resident birds breed first, since tliey are not tired out by long migratory flights. Birds whu coano here from tjio south usually rest tor two or tbrea weeks teltre they begin nest building.

Resident birds begin building their first homes of the season about March IB, with few exceptional ail resident birds of this section are nesting now Ijij Only Two l-KK" The Dove lays two, and only two lo tho value of his, her or Its such property, "Mule 2: Towns and villages: "(a)- The local assessment officers shall maintain 11 permanent public record, accessible to the public during office hours, suitable record sheets or curds upon which shall be 1 recorded (he elements (or bitsis) of' valuation hereinafter specified and required to bo recorded which, among other things, were tpksn into consid- ernllon by the local assessment officers in ascertaining nnd determining the true value In money of each lot OT parcel of land nnd of each Improvement thereon, "(hi The rules snd regulation Cordell Hull and arrange to see the a polnt where there will such a ft President soon. I nf tho m.rehasincr nnwer Mo.lSa on. 1 clock Von Tell, by Mrs. Pepper; third, Chalk; third. Speedy Dido, owned by Dr.

Sevier; fourth, Carrie, owned i. ue uepin or tne standard unit foot; upon taxable property in proportion Ambler; fourth, Prince, owned by Miss Marguerite McDowell. rtn i u-n i v. umi Li ib, ttr mnnv DRS, HARDY, MAM ANN MURPHY ontnoin i in in si'i mm ih rs Aiicwm iiiiiii. Nttrw In III 11 III T.U.HI lN IVH'M' Argentina rnft nnn nin rm by Mr.

McConnell. 7 i lai; JjOUlSe jeneuaL vb. vjiacu n.uJi Saint Bernards, open, bllches: Lady comnlete the list of nations special Jrnsle won first placo in winners, 'What do you mean 30c?" Furniture company, Ui an in most id her sei i ions of the United State, duo to th mild winters nnd the fuel that tho mountain forest! af foid Rood feeding grounds moat of liw year, Thr worst riirmy tf hud Is the house cat oi liar mtuaoes bo bird loo purantwing ui wuiuhau-tles. "Wo should have addressed our "I mean 80c for repairs in 21,000 miles. Boy, that's Terra plan in gf Lenoir: April 21, 9 o'clock: -Miss Margaret Marley vs.

trustees. Lenoir Lavcnla, owned by J. R. Johnson. invited, have not yet officially dca-This dog was also Judged as first in, ignated their representatives, winners, bllches.

Fifty-three nations In all have Saint Bernards, local, bitches: Lady been asked to Join In the exchanges Lavcnla. owned bv Mr. Johnson. lot' views, 42 of them through regular Mr. Steams; second, Noble's Polka bv the Nosegay Kenne selves to this currency question when Graded School and State Board of ii.

mi iit'ti istiviiv rininv at in m. Ot, IIVMANN we first convened and should have equalization; Bill Crump vs. Barn-seen to It that the water In the 1 hardt Furniture company; Kenneth diplomatic channels. Leo, owned by Mrs. Hltbbs, won Russia Is left out since the United I stream of commerce was amply ade- M.

Cragg vs. Smith Transfer corn- bitches; and Julie won reserve. American Foxhounds, local, bitches; First. Jcnsle, owned by Mr. Collins; second, Julie, owned by Mr.

Fox; third, Carrie, owned by Mr. McConnell. American Foxhounds, brace class i First. Dr. Sevier's brace; second, Mr.

Fox's brace; third, Mr. McConueU's brace. The best fox hound In the show was the title thai went to While Dot Kid. owned by Charles H. Re Id.

English Sotters, limit, dogs: First. Trebartha Treasure of Happy Valley, owned by the Happy valley KortriaiBf! second. Joe. owned uy Mr. Evans; third.

Chick Cochrane, ownod by Roy Pounders. English Setters, open, dogs: First. Uoslon Terriers Boston Terriers, novice, dogs, under 15 pounds: First Here's How Again, owned by Donald W. Evans; second, Bramlett's Tiny King by Houston Bramlett; third. Micky, owned by Mrs.

James F. Means. Boston Terriers. American -bred, under 16 pounds: First. Follow $1.00 Peggy l'8 Powder owned by Mr.

Bramicu. German Shepherds, open, dogs: First, Anthony of Coaalta, owned by Cosalta Kennels; second. Gref Sonnc-bftch, owned by Mrs. G. Laugh-ridge; third, Fair Jada.

owned by Mr, Player; fourth, Bobby Black of Ardmion, owned by Mrs. Pepper. Anthony of Cosalt won first In winners, bitches; with Gmt von Sonnebach in reserve, German Shepherds, local, dogs: First, Sunt hern King. owned by Jimmy Edwards; second, Fair Jada, owned by Mr. Player; third.

Bobby Black of Ardmion, owned by Mrs. Pepper; fourth, Lobo Rex, owned by MX, Meadows. German Shepherds, puppy, bllches: First, Fair Libby. owned by h. Bishop.

German Shepherds, novice, bitches: First. Ladv, owned by Miss Luella States has no diplomatic relations i quato lo float an the vessels or com- py. with the Soviet, and today there was munlcations between supply hnd de- i company, new speculation as to whether the mand. We have an unusual Burnsvlile, April 21, 4 clock Lat Roosevelt administration might rec- we have a heart-breaking demand; R- McMahan vs. Tennessee Mineral ognize the Russian government be- and yet.

bound by the shackles ot Products corporation, lore long so it to facilitate economic conventional rules in reference tol Marshall, April 22, 9 oclock: monnrnMnii with that country and i iM non Joseph E. John.suu. administrator of 50c L'Or Lotion 2 for 50c He pier's Sir Richard, owned by Hap best of the breed In Saint Bernarads. Pluseliet's (Dobermiui) open, dogs; First, Navigator of Pontchartraen, owned by George A. Taylor; Curie Baase-wlttf, owned by Colyar P.

Dodson. Navigator won first winners, doy-s; with carle taking reserve. Ptnachors, American -bred, bitches: Lady Harah Jane of Smlthcourt, owned by J. McL, Jones. Plnschers, open, bitches: Frelda On.

owned by Mrs. John juiib. ond. Noble's Top, owned by Dr. Sevier, Boston Terriers, open, dogs, under py Valley Kenne 49c pave the way for even more concert- people ttJ oe jobless and other' untold 15 r.ounds: Hay's Smart Kuuls, ed action at tne wor ewmnniv millions to be threatened with the dispossession of what they think t.ley let cuee in uviiuuii j.

Russia Is to be represented there However, the rumors that Russian lfl iiii in- ifd-ow- ioimhI mi he lor ln oin ivi ne- Brothers, non-Insurer. Waynesvllle, April 26. 9 Dee Wool urn vs. Blackwood Lumber company; J. C.

Drummond vs. Royal and Ollkington. Sylva, April 26. 1:30 o'clock: E. P.

Williams vs. Blackwood Lumber coro-pany; C. D. Moses, father and ad-mlnistrator of Mrs. Callle B.

Price, deceased widow of John B. Price, chmidt Kennels, This dog won first fore the London conference orougni 8 lef from the tenable, money string Polka Dot Kid. owned by Mr. Held; third, Noble Kuppenhelmer, owned by Mr. Reld.

Hepler sir Richard, owned by Happy Valley Kennels, won first place In winners, dogs. Noble Kuppenhelmer. owned by Mr. Reld. won reserve.

English Setters, local, dogs; First, Max Ghost, owncd by Mr. Stearns; second. Joe. owncd by Mr. Evans: hlrd, Noble Kuppenhelmer, owned by Mr.

Reld. English Setters, puppy, bitches; the White In winners, hitches: while Ladv Sarah no comment at either MARINELLO PREPARATION Vi2 Price OfOJ hounds Greyhounds, opne, bitches: First, Boveway spring Song, owned by Mrs. B. F. Lewis; second.

Miss Black Pearl, owned by J. P. Crosier; third. Wistful Mary, owned by Mr. Crosier; fourth, Mamhlelda.

owned by Leon Wolfe. Boveway Spring Song won first. In winners, bitches; and Miss Black Peark. reserve, Greyhounds, local, bitches: First. Miss Black Pearl, owned by Mr.

Crosier; second. Wistful Mary, owned by Mr. Crosier; third, Maud O'Groats, owned by Mr, Crosier. Kuskimi 'olliounds owned by Mrs, Hay J. second, Green Bush Here's How.

owned by Mrs. J. R. third. Follow On, owned by Mrs.

John J. Ellis. Boston Terriers, novice, dogs, 15 pounds and under 20 pounds: First, Dell's Little Man. owned by J. L.

Delaporto, Boston Terriers, limit, docs, 15 pounds and under 20 pounds: First, Tommy Tucker, III. owned by Mabel T. Anderson; second. Llcdc Boy, owned by Mrs. H.

A. Lledman; third. Bramlett's Tinv Kmc. owned by Hous riUUBO BMIW ueiu i.uiviiv ency that is throttling commerce and destroying the hopes of the Ameri can people. took reserve.

Modern Von Slmmonau-Rhlncgold, of the Rhlnogold Kennels, won In a special class. Frieda, owned by the Ronerschmldt Kennels, won best ot 3 1 Cntif.ii Avtnut CREATORS OF REASONABLE DRUG PRICES the south Carolina senator re- deceased, vs. State Hichwav commls Kcllar; second, Fair Libby, owncd by Mr. Bishop; third. Nanette Glen-hmnlll.

owned by Mr. Hamlll; fourth, Sue Margot, owned by Mr. Bishop, German Shepherds, limit bitches: First, Bcbo of Piomlngo. owned by Mrs. R.

W. Caldwell; second, Oypscy, $1.10 Yardley Powd and $1.10 Ynrdlry Compncl, lioih lor 1 .33 "MONDAY and" TUESDAY HUNDREDS OK ITEMS NOT LISTED First. McElroy'S Queen of Abbeville, Fugitive Is Sought By Posse ton Bramicu: lourin uoy, ownru uy owncd by captain William MO viewed the period "scornfully re- i ferred to as 'the period of Bryaon City. April 26, 4 o'clock: J. and pointed out It was an "era or! m.

Bates vs. State Highway and happiness, so far s-s aion. business was concerned Then de- Franklin. April 27, 9 o'clock: W. P.

flatlon set in. brought on arbitrarily) Hyde vs. W. M. Hitter Lumber com-by that unthinkable crime of May.

pany; Ed. Bumgarncr vs. State Hlgh-1920. and from that date until this way commission; dependents of we have gradually lessened ihe bar- Grover Johnson, deceased, vs. State Elroy; second, Ann.

owned by M. Russian Wolfhounds, novice, dogs; Saunders. First, Sport II, owned by Milton MONDAY and TUESDAY Your Monty Will Huy Mor At ECKERD'S NO PROFIT Sa English Setters, novice, bitches: Leonard. second, Tsar, owned by Joseph Dlllard Sell, Jr Wolfhounds, open dogs of Ashevllle shall apply to all towns Hfl WINS PRIZE Miss Mary Pounders, of Craggy, was the lucky person last night at the dog show when the $50 prize drawing was held, She held the winning ticket coupon and was awarded the cash prize. There was only one drawing Miss Pounders also had dogs in the show.

Boston Terriers, open. dogs. 15 pounds and under 20 pounds: First. Bantam Hagerty of Idle wood, owned by L. Schclver; second, Boy, owned by Mrs.

Battle. Boston Terriers, novice, dogs. 20 pounds and not exceeding 25 pounds: First. Michael Shoe Button, owned by Augusta Barnett. Boston Terriers, American-bred, dogs, '20 pounds and not exceeding 25 pounds: First, Duke's Little Man, owncd by Forest Wood, Jr.

Boston Terriers, limit, 20 pounds and not exceeding 25 pounds; gaining power of the masses until Highway commission; Mrs. C. T. WAYNRSVILLE April 15, fspeclal) today we stand with real wealth be- Snnders, administratrix of C. T.

A posse, headed by Sheriff Jake yond any kind of dream of mankind, Sanders, deceased, vs. M. Rttter Lowe and accompanied by County and the power to distribute It and Lumber company: W. H. Raby vs.

Commissioner Frank Davis, is search- avail ourselves of it is denied us by Hobbs-Peabody Construction coming the Cataloochee section of the i ft handful of bankers and their co- pony. ilreai Smokv Mountains National hortfl who have strangled us to where Brevard. April '27, 3:30 o'clock: 79c I the winners class; while Modem Von I Simmenau-Rhinegold won best of the i breed. Rest And Variety The Country Gentleman, English setter, owned by Happy Valley Kcn- nels, won best in the entire show, alter a half hour of stiff competition as the show ended, He. won from six of the best in tiie show In different breeds and classes.

The Country Gen-! lleman is also American champion of i hlfl breed, Variety Group No. 1, sporting dogs: First, The Country Gentleman, owned by Happy Valley Kennels; second, I Blue King, owned by Mrs. G. A. Slgel, I third, The Coming Storm, owned by Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Hamcr; fourth. Herewlthem Fly Guy, owned by R. F. i Mn loney.

I Variety Group No. 2, sporting doss. First, Tamroir of Carolina, owned by L. M. Fowlkcs.

This dog also won -first In winners, dogs; with Sport II. In reserve. Russian Wolfhounds, local, dogs: i First, Sport II. owned by M. Ml Leonard.

Jr second, Tasr. owned by First, Alfred's Lady Mary, owned by Ralph E. Lee. English Setters, limit, bitches: First, Meg of Cromble of Happy Valley, owned by Happy Valley Kennels. EnglSlh Sellers, open.

bitches: First Orkney Gold Dream, owned by Happy Valley Kennels: second, Fau. owned by Ferry A. McLean; third, Lady Ashevllle. owned by Mr. Lee, Orkney Gold Dream won first In or villages where he na me are a -pllcable.

such rules ami regulations that are applicable to said towns and cities shall be considered In tho assessing of each lot or parcel of land and Improvement thereon The tU supervisor stisii have the authority to designate which rules sim regulation! are applicable to the towiu $1.25 Clock tuni 'nl)d for Yrer $1.00 Trcjur OustfiiK Powdty Park area for Carl Howell. 31. Want-, nn indictment of everv sena- David Nix vs. Ernest Pax ton and owned bv Mrs. Pepper; third, Nan- J.

D. Self Wolfhounds, novice, ette Glenhamlll, owned by Mr. Ham- 29c PlrSt, Dutchess Sonla, owned fourth, Sue Margot, owned by Mr. Takes Rap At Program bitches by a. ii or village Bishop.

it 1 Pi second, Sonla, owned Leonard, Jr, W. Whltmire; Robert Hidden VS. Toxaway Tanning company. Hendersonville. April 2fi.

9 o'clock: Dependents of Walter Collins, deceased, Blue Ridge Lime and Stone corporation; dependents of Styles Webb, deceased, vs. Blue Rldce Lime and Stone corporation; Frank Pray- ed on a warrant sworn out this ni-ternoon In conned Ion with the fatal injury of Lee, 30, in an automobile accident. Guy Howell, 38, brother of Carl Howell, also wanted In connection with the case, was arrested by of i he snnrirf'a oosso at his German Shepherds, open, bitches: by M. winners, bitches; and Meg or Cromble of Happy Valley won reserve In this class. English Setters, local, bitches Lust lime! Ambrosia Seti 2 for $1.10 rhe Russian Wolfhounds.

American-, Luann Liobestraum, owned by Senator Smith took a rap at the reforestation labor relief program or the administration, stating: "My God! Have we got to where we hnve to debnuch American cltlen- 59c 1.60 Compact with Upit( bred, hitches: First, Maria, owned hy Kennels; Fair Libby, First. Alfred's Lady Mary, owned by A Fret: second, Sylva. owned by hounds: First, White Top, owned by 17c 69c 19c 31c 29c 30c 28c 0,0 ZJC 27c 25c Pond's Tissue $1.25 Norolagar 50c Ambrosia 50c Woodbury's Facial Cream 50c Ipana Tooth Panto 50c Peptodenl Tooth Paate 50c Kotynoi Tooth Innl 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush 50c Or. West Tooth Brush Eighty cents for repairs in 21,000 miles of driving! Incredible? Well, here's the actual story and it's only one of hundreds ww, r.ivmu. wueen oi Mrs.

T. Donald Pepper. Ashevllle, owned by Captain McElroy; ausslan Wolfhounds, limit, bitches Dr. Dan Sevier. second.

Boveway home at Hemphill, in the Jonathans snip at tne cnresnoia oi me oy man- tor, Rosea Shipman, et at, William ne the young men the pensioners ol rolllncton. et al. William Woolen, et ems i oo Double oropact third owned bv Mr. McLean. 29t First, Dutchess Sonla, owned by A.

i or baaii pecllled the dole of their government, nli jani05 Moore, et al, vs. Blue Ridge with lifted brow and wise air say, Lime and Stone corporation. Fret; Sonla. owned by rter nrded owned by Mr. Bishop.

Luana Liebeatraum won first In winners, bitches; while Bebe of Plo-m ngo won reserve I th Is claw. German Shepherds, local, bitches: First, Lady, owned by Miss Kellar; second, Fair Libby. owned by Mr. Bishop; third. Nanette Glenhamlll, owned bv Mr.

Hamlll. rrrpill.d to I. Spring Song, owned by Mrs. Creek section, tonight at a cio( k. Lewis; third, Tamroff of Carolina, He wns brought here nnd lodged in owned by L.

M. Fowlkcs; fourth, the county Jail. He offered no re-Mark, owned by C. A. Tlnaley, alstance when arrested.

Variety Group No. 3, working Paroled Prisoner. Mm von Bl mine nn Rh lne- Both Carl and Guy Howell are said Mi 25. Ttlt A. A.

Brandon of Wilmington, N. deliv 14c VJi'V a enntp 11 H. rt. 1 1UK "I'1 Inn iMdnii' tCidtnn Rlaz-lf lit UftMPV at a total repair cost of 00c for a fan-bclt. That's Terraplane ruggedness and economy and Mr.

Brandon's record is typical of many. The Unit-built Essex Terraplane, according to all available records, is the most rugged and economical full-sized car on the market Proof? Ask any (rraplauc owner. sold, owned by Hhlnesold Kennel; "If Inflation will relieve us of this nnd Hemphill; C. A. vs, deVith a man la not patriot who Fowler Jones Lumber company; C.

G. would not vote for It in any form In Kistler vs. W. H. Curtis.

R. L. Col- other things, wore tnken int i oration by tho local assess it cora tn evcortaininK nnd del the full air ca-sh value of or parcel of land nnd of i provement therom. "(b)--The local asaeeatnen fchall tdopt uniform etand va Ues for dote rtu I nl lie ,10 rale 17c Best of the German Shepherd breed Luana Liebeatraum, owned went to Luana Llebestrnum, of Co- by Cosalta Kennels; third, Noble salta Kennels. Bannockburn, owned by Isabel N.

Great Dnnei I i.u.. nvned bv Mrs, llns vs. Blue Ridge Products com- order to relieve the situation ers 900 pounds of newspapers and motion picture reels every night on a 240-mile route. In 90 days up to March 21st, his Essex Terraplane had run more than 21,000 miles The South Carolinian said estab- puny English Setters, brace class; Won by Captain McEhoy's brace, The Country Gentleman, owned by Happy Valley Kennels, champion setter of American, won in the special class ngalnsi Blue Dan of Happy Valley, owned by i he same kennels. The Country Gentleman was easily declared best of the winners.

Irish Betters Irish Setters, novice, doge: First, Dan of Pendleton, owned by Edwin Hartshorn; second, Mngefieui Jack, owned by B. Denehle Dan of Pendleton albo won first place among Winners, dogs; while Sage field jak took reserve, Irish Betters, local, dogs: Jlrirfr, Dan ot Pendleton; second, Saaeficld $1.00 I Can Usola Cream 49c lot ue novice, dogs: Dan. Henry Carrier. American -bred, dogs: Great Danes, owned bv Mrs. Great Danes.

bo kti Depression Turns Into Boom For Churth Body to be paroled prisoners from State's Prison, Raleigh. Seter. a filling station operator at Dellwood. was walking on Hlgh-w ay No. 2 84 at De 1 1 ood at 3 thin afternoon when a truck, going I the same 1 rec ion at rue knocked him off the road, and then tilted over on him.

SetBer was rushed to the Haywood county hospital here, where he died an hour Inter. Truck Abandoned it is charged that truck was driven at a rapid rate of speed by Curl Howell, who waa accompanied by his brother. Guy. Immediately 10c PKG. CIGARETTES 16c 69c M.

M. Leonard, Jr. Russian Wolfhounds, open, bitches: First. Mario, owned by A. Fret; second.

Sylva, owned by Mrs. Pepper. Dutchess Sonla took first place in winners, bitches, with Maria in reserve place. Russian Wolfhounds, local, bitches: First, Dutchess Sonla, owned by Mr. second, Maria, owned by Mr Frel; third, Sonla, owned by Mr Leonard.

Jr, Best the breed of Russian Wolfhounds was awarded Tamrofl of Carolina, owned by Mr. Fowlkes Eskimos, novice, dogs: First. King Cotton, owned by Mrs, Robert Btsbeo; second, Alaskan Prince, owncd by Trumbull Fraeer. Eskimos, American bred, dosis: Alaskan Prince, owned by Mr. Fnver Eskimos, local, dog.

First. King Cotton, second, Alaskan Prince, ') I ttngee I'owilcr llshment of the reforest at Ion camps was tantamount to saying that there is surplus of human beings In the United States. "I am looking lor someone to Introduce a bill to enforce birth control in order to get rid Ol as nearly possible of portending Increase Of population." he added. "We nre rendering ourselves ridiculous, and we ought to be rnwbided for our Inability to take care of the WHY ESSEX TERRAPLANE MAKES POCKETBOOKS SMILE ChottetTi6ldt I Camels, Old Golds. Carton 99c dogs: First.

and Paul tied by Mrs. in winners, In, Dan, owned by Mrs, Great Dalies, limit. JallO, owned by Ii While; second, Dan, Carrier. Jaho won firs dogs, while Dan took i the atandard unit price a I fi" iseeaaor i offuo hij cisx jsify all lot or panel of land aocofd ing tho use of aid laudi tirtreten tlaliy aa follows bottom land eUlU rated, rolling snd wofxl Innd cultivated, paaturs land, OlMef s. Hubbs.

Variety Group 4. teirlers: First, Playboy ol Audlon, ownod by Mr. and Mrs, Mahlon R. Wallace, second. GalSglll Nosegay, owned by Nose-gny Kennels: third, Garwood OWhed by T.

C. Hudman; fourth. Newbold MlM Per.sonalliy. owned by Paul Hamer. Variety Group No.

5. toy dogs; First, lttnto of Hesketh of Toy town, owned by Judith Council; second, Mitel, owned by Mrs. P. M. Hatcher; third, Bu of Etty Haven, owned by 3fu Cuitu dogs: Dan, 23c Ir Setter open, with 200 Stopa per ruouiitHiii grvJ rtt.i aeveral atrep grnden.

1 1 through snow and ah day, on with driven ah with bitches: First, tied by J. ed after the accident, the Howell broth- riches Qod ha granted us nnd ex DAYTON. Ohio, It may be ft depression foi most people, but for one Protectant denomination It's boom times. In the three years the shadow of bad business conditions fell, the Church of the United BreMiren in Christ has gained members almost twice as rapidly rs during the preceding thrre years. Besides, It has converted a 25 per cent decrease In Sunday school attend Into a 9 .5 per cent owned by Mrs, Carrier.

Great Danes, limit, bitches: First. Harris' Margo Maguntia, owned by Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Harris; second, Harris' Fauna I.helnschane, $1.00 BEN HUR FACE POWDER aid to have abandoned the hlbit them, for the blessing of the HOr Oil. 45- Michael Shoe Button, owned by Au-gusta Barnett.

Ray's Smart, Boots, owned by Mrs. Vole," won first among winners, dogs; and Here's How Again, owned by Donand W. Evans, won reserve. Boston Terriers, local, dogs First Tommy Tucker. Ill, owned by Ma- brl T.

Anderson; second, Llede Boy, owned by Mrs. Medcman. third. Bramlett's Tiny King, owned by Houston Bramlett. Boston Terriers, puppy.

bitches: Ftrst, Dixie Queen, owned by Bill Boyd; second. Little Princess, owned by Mrs. B. H. Denchie; third.

Bim-bo, II, owned by Howard H. Warren, i Boston Terrlerp, novice, bitches, under 15 pounds; First, Bramlett's Anne Lindbergh, owned by Houston I Bramlett. Boston Terriers, limit, bitches, under 15 pounds. Fust, Bramlett's Anne Lindberg, owned by Mr. Bramlett.

Boston Terriers, nuvlce, bitches, is pounds and under 20 poundh: First: Miss Mischievous, owned by Mrs. Arthur M. Hlmeon, second. Smart Set MltJ, owned bv Houston Bramlett; third. Little Princess, owned by Mis.

Denchie; fourth. Parker's Polly Flinders, owned by Mrs. Francis Parker. Boston Terriers. American-bred bitches.

15 pounds Hnd under 20 pounds: First. Miss Mischievous, owncd by Mrs. Hemlon: second, Smart Set Mltzi. owned by Houston Bramlett; fourth, Bimbo, owned by Howard Warren. Boston Terriers, open, bit-dies.

15 pounds and under 20 pounds: First, Brayman's Mlft? Leading Ladv. owned by Mrs. F. H. Brayman.

This do: also won first In winners, bitches, with Miss Mischievous, owned by Mrs, Hemlon, taking reserve. Boston Terriers, local. bitches: First, Miss Mischievous, owned by Mrs. Hemlon second. Dixie Queen, owned by Bill Boyd, third, Brain lett's Anne Lindberg, owned by Houston Bramlett; fourth, Little Princess, owned by Mrs, Denehle.

Brayman's Miss Leading Lady, owned by Mrs, Brayman. won the best of the breed award. Biilldflga Bulldogs, novice, bitches: First, My Madonna, owned by D. Bark-le? This entry also won In limit relies end local, bitches. She also wen in best of the breed Chow Chows, puppy, dogs: First.

Id be: 50c Mermen Shav, Cream 31c. Gillette Bladen 29c Probak 29c Auto-Strop 30c Durham Duplex 31c won in winners, of the breed, a -lies dots: First, No nc-nl to tsltr thr mamt-raotumr'fl word Tor 'IVrraplnne rudKcilnoas and rronomy. Jut road the following paragraph from owners' letters, each backed by sworn affidavit i Over Miles No Repair Expense, "I have driven my Esacx Terraplane Coupe more than ,10,000 mile in 7 months, and have not spent cent on it other than greasing. It han averaged around 20 miles to the gallon of gaa.M-K. A.

Wilhml, Decatur, III. 27,000 miles-f 36 for Itepnlrn. "My Terraplane has been used on my regular route owned by Mr nnd Mrs. Harris; third Mrs. Henrietta Proctor DOnneil hum Beagl truck and left for Catnloochee section.

SetBer is survived by bin wife and four children, Funeral arrangements have not been made. Mi Eskimo nn, novice, bitches: Patsy oiga Tahnenberg, owned by Howard fmirtb, Konlg Helniselmannochen, teeming American millions. Make Spirited Demands Over on the House side of the Capitol, many spirited demands lor currency Inflation were heard during 25. lal 17c Fradv: fourth. Tyra Parker, owned Ann.

owned bv Mrs. W. Ash. Best 59' water often as higfa OS th hot- tomnof the doors, fond mileage to date (March 20) 27,575. Total repair expense, 126.

Cm mileage, C. A.Walrnth, Gig IUr-boiti Wash. owned by Mrs. Donnell owned by j. MoCrcady; second, Flash, owned by Mr.

McCready Beagles, open, doge! First, Prince, owned by Mi. McCrenriy, Mr. Me-Cready's te took ftrst In winners, dogs; while his Prince won reserve, he week. Representative Traux. Ohio in loan the denomination had 1 0c PiJmoUvf So i fur Vnriet Group No.

R. non-SpOrtlng dogs: First. Far Land Moon, owned by Heroid M. Harter; second, Brayman's Miss Leading Lady, owned by Mrs. F.

Brayman; thud, My Ma 19c Large German Colony Is Now In Turkey Democrat, assailed the farm moregngi of 403.708, representing bill. He snid money could not ne loaned back Into circulation. Cnllina Br NEW REDIX Kl PRICES Lee lOCaJ, dogs First, was won -ond by Prince; nnd third. II owned by Mr, MrCrcady. a gain of fl.558 or 1.4 per cent during a three-year boom period.

Threa years later the membership showed a net increase of lO.OOfi for a gain of pertinent rants 'torrniniiig the 5k lo. UftbiM per nk HUDSON lrfifiisv 'fi'Bmt Bi redi bitch ei donna, owned by D. E. Berkley. Jr.

The largest crowd of the show at- ISTANBUL. (VP) The German col tended Inst night, All seats of the ony, sent out of Turkey be and bag grand stand and nil chairs about tho gage In 1918. IS back. 11.000 strong, two were fllied. and mnnv were When the allies occupied Constat) 69c 98c 31c 89c till.

89c m.MXmWM.nTMUti1M t.iahl.tsua b' ed ow: $1.10 MELLO GLO FACE POWDER rvuwbl tla ih Umt, b. lltrvil NatinfiAlty Known America): Lady Rossie. i Henderson; owned by Jami rlee, limit, bite by Mr. Mr 3.5 pr cent. From 1926 to 1929, "Coolldge Jro-pSrliy" times, the average Sunday KhOOl attendance throughout the denominaUOn fell Off 5,533 for a 2 5 the world The show cao.e to 11 close tiinople nt the lb.

(offoe, lb. ti' rs Francis ke Marrls' Margo Maguntts won first winners, bllches. while Harris' Fauna RhelnschanM took reserve. Great. Danes, local, bitches: First.

Olga Tannenberg, owned hy Howard Frady: Parker, owned by Mrs. Parker, Best of the breed was Harris1 Fauna Rhelnschanze. Halm R'ernanls Saint Bernards, novice, dogs; First, Bob Battle, owned by R. Millard; second. Prince, owned by Miss Mar-gUerlte McDowell Saint Bernards.

American -bi-ed, dogse Plrst, Boo Battle, owned bv Mr Millard; second, Happy Ambler, I owned bv Miss Julia Ambler. I Satut Bernards, limit; dogs: Leo. owned by Mrv R. Hubbs. Saint Bernards Open, dOgS! I.eo, owned by Mrs Hubbs, Io wan judged first In wlnnrrs.

all a of the breed with withheld, German Shepherds German Shepherds puppy, dotrs First. VOn Tell, owned by Mrs Geo rec Bramlett; second. Wolf of Ardmion, owned by Moore Lents; third am of Ardmion. owned bv Mnry Hamilton Pepper, fourth. Lobo Rex, owned bv M.

Meadows. German Shepherds, novice, dogs First. Southern King, owned by Jimmy Edwards; second, Bobby Black of Ardmion. owned by Mrs Pepper: third. Gin of Ardmion.

owned by Mrs. Pepper; fourth, Rlu Tin of Ardmion owned by Mrs, Pepper German Shepherds, American -bred, dogs: First. Fair Jada, owned by S. Player: second, Bobby Black of Ardmion, owned by Mrs. Pepper; third, Governor of North Carolina, owned by tuOrathe Spencer: fourth, Sc batten Stradaburg, owned bv H.

Collins PI Be I -lb. Prince Albert Tobacro $1.50 Kin hir Toaiter $1.00 FV.unlain Svringr $1,00 Kwi Powder I itit. Tilel Water Free 1 1 00 Ironixed Yeaal 75c Cyntex SvrinBe MVrr 7S Cynlex Tur de BROWN BROTHERS idy By HMc I 2ScB.C -for 25c tt 10:30 o'clock. Dr Scarborough and all udi'p larrd that it was a moat altcce tebut for the Kennel iVIK McCn fol- were banned realtor six years. ie :l.000 Germain to Istanbul and vast and most ac- the thi Bu yean ma' '492 for ft Mo Lnd club ies:

open, hi A-hcvillc, N. C. for inflation. Traux said money should be fed into circulation by paying soldiers' bonuses, and by re- Financing farm and home loans at a low rate of Inlerest Represent at tve Tpnux portrays I wide 1prpnrf feeling In the new Congress against Wall Street snd bank eri. who Oppose Inflation in declaring "let the United States of America rise up in her wrath and fury and haul down the black flag of Wall Street money kings and money lend- ers.

Congress heed these warning and apply the A reading of the Congressional rpc- i ord reveals that the number of In I flatlon ists in Congress nas prestiy 1 increased since the election lait No- '20i l-r by Mr. Henderwn; Bruk Lady, owned bv I'hey said further that It was one of he finest shows in the country this rn rMinamitil Sr Di-tributori LYERLY AUTO EXCHANGE N. C. 0,000 to tin constitute live foreign Germnn seven to i hit OU11 fsniea. and (ft- crtnpai such thst the ru Ing the city of Ashevllle vjjjgo.

or farm land pUOMto, Therofor. lo equitable unit pncei sa ntabllahlnf new coats building and Uhrla. psnios, atrnet railway, pardos, and gas nseesasry that ihesA etaM jtls will hav to hin dividual case." iswn, third. Queen, owned hy Mr Bee. owned by Mr Mr.

FINLEY MOTOR CO. Marion, N. C. bs is te ti i number fnertca'S one ani Kng- There has been no rem test the question of currency ex-but will be. coming along few dS91 snd then it will si I I Ol 0C ro I'm i Rubbini a alcohol tC pant L) flock LENOIR.

Wr A mall valued at 10 in the apt paid Horace Beach, a 4-H Hi i wi Bh dogs Stnce lo B. A. Bollf TwjMgll Orrhrntra Satordav Mtflii First. smnt Bernards, local, dogs land's two. The prim ipal German club, Teutonla.

has a building and equipment, worth 130.000, is the chief musical center of tstettQtil and Its library of 13,000 volume one of the largest in town. not be difficult to determine dell-nltely whethei or 'not there will na any legislation at this seaslon dsal Ltu with the monetary question. ond, profit l-o. owned Mrs. Hubbs; German.

Shepherds, limit, do 1135 43 dm gent fflMt Rnhhi' nliirlc Ardinlnn mini'rl Rnh Battle. ov.ned bv Mr Millard. Say cOUtlt ow ned by Mr Me Cready second I.sdy Ro.ssic. owned bv Mr. Hender-son.

third, Beile, owned by Mr. Mc- by Mrs. Pepper, second, Tiger, owned third, Happy Ambler, owned by Miss Hock Increased value to 131.48..

Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.