The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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Saturday Oct 21 1944 THE MIAMI HERALD Page 7-A Nr A' Methodists Set Study Of Parish Evangelistic Services Scheduled By Churches Evangelistic services will bring a number of visiting speakers to various Greater Miami churches for services Sunday and for subsequent nightly meetings A summary of these events with other listings of approaching church activities follow Dedication Rites Planned Sunday Expected To Sec Charcoal Autos When Nicolaus Harms stepped off the Pan American Airways clipper from Brazil Friday he expressed surprise at not seeing charcoal gas flivvers In operation In Miami- In Brazil there are more than 13000 motor vehicles operating on charcoal gas Harms a Brazilian business man explained "This was not caused by the war he said He explained that Brazil Inaugurated the system to cut down gasoline importation Today Brazilians are not bothered with gas rationing and have developed a profitable charcoal market Harms said He said he was en route to New York to discuss postwar developments in Brazil Prayer Week Al Trinity Dr Rufus Wicker ill open Week of Frayer for Trinity Methodist Society of Christian Service with a sermon on Thought They Lived In at 10:45 a Sunday Other services Include quiet dav Tuesday with Mrs DeLani as chairman foreign work presentation bv Mrs Beckham and Business Women's circle at 7 45 Wedresdav and program for 1030 a Thursda' Mrs Lund In charge Miss Janettg Quattlehaum w11 direct folk games for the fellowship hour for servicemen and women and young people after the San- day evening service K1I and lone Bartlett classes have set their annual banquet for Thursday at 7 in El Corned oro hotel Dedication of new altar vestments and candelabra presented anonymously and a "Fair given by Mrs Strang in memory of her mother Mrs Barbara Frey will take place at 11 a m' Sunday at Biscavne Boulevard Lutheran church The Rev William Wahl will speak on With Me Lord at the dedicatory service Miami Hard Of Hearing To Worship In connection with a special week's Miami Society for the Hard of Hearing wll attend the 11 a service at First Presbyterian church when Dr Thomson will speak on Cure for Chaplain Robinson of Miami Navar Air station will take part in the 7:30 service In obs'ervance of Navy Day Dr Harold Weir of Chillicothe will be guest speaker his topic to be In a World of Panic" Raymond Reese committee program secretary of tine YMCA will be guest speaker at Young People's Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 Social hour will follow the evening service OTHER NAVY SPEAKERS In addition to First rresbyterian two other churches will have Navy Day speakers Capt Ellis district chaplain for Seventh Naval district announces They are Central Baptist where Capt Ellis will officiate at 11 a and Gesu church where Lt (jg) A Muntsch Miami Naval Training center will say mass and preacn at 10 30 a Newlv elected trustees of the Miami Beach Methodist church wdll begin soon a study of the parish its population trends program needs real estate values and development on authority granted the First Quarterly Conference of the church Dr Henry Blackburn first minister to the parish 20 years ago and now superintendent of all Methodist churches in the Miami area wdll work in co-operation with the group and draw upon technical assistance provided through the recently Initiated Citv Missions Society of the denomination The Rev Taul Nathan Jewett pastor announces election of those to handle the work in relation to its property to Include Lohmeyer Hutcheson Locke Rodgers and Jones REV RICKS NEWLY appointed priest-in- charge of St Philip's Episco- pal church the Rev Sparling will conduct 8 am-Communion and 11 a morning prayer Sunday He comes here from Christ church' Lexington Ky where he was rector end dean of the cathedral Death In Absentia Decreed For Laval LONDON rierre Iaval has been sentenced to death in absentia by a Marseille tribunal the Faris radio said Friday The Algiers radio reported that Jean Gallard former director of the newspaper "Petit was condemned to death In absentia by the same tribunal at the same time Lt Robert I Jone Home From Pacific With 43 combat missions and an Air Medal with two Oak Leaf clusters to his credit Lt Robert Jones 22 Jackson Hrh school graduate arrived home Friday from the South Pacific Jones who resides at 309 10th ave was pilot of a B-24 Liberator After being graduated from Andrew Jackson in 1941 he was employed at Raiiev-Milam Inc before joining the AAF in November 1941 Mrs Stearns Before Forum Mrs Clark Stearns will address Miami Community forum on the subject "I Shall Vote 'for Dewey" at its 10 a meeting Sunday at the Mayfair theater The new quartet Doreen Cur tls' Mary' Ruth Makdad John Edward Curtis and Amndee Fremont will sing Motion pictures sponsored by Miami Round Table will be presented Friday evening at tlnifai ian house Mme Mary Lenander In connection with introduction of the hymn the Rev Mr Schuster will speak on "What To Do When Trouble He will continue his series of illustrated lectures on Life Of at First Christian will hear the Rev Faul Johnson speak on Believe In The Christian Com at 11 a and on "A New at 7:30 Sunday in the absence of Dr Everett Smith Tomlinson will lead the 13-minute evening song service Robertson Memorial's Sunday school hoard will meet at 8 Tuesday with Mrs Christine Roth-ert Dixie entertainment at 8 will follow a church supper at 630 ht Evangelical announces that Marvin Rickard a pupil of Joseph Tarpley at Miami Univer sity Conservatory of Music has been engaged as church pianist The Rev Ernest Lynn Wieden mann will lead a service and con duct communion for the aged at Dade County home at 3 Sun day Mrs Wiedenmann will lead the Sunday school lesson for chit dren at 4 First Baptist vs 111 make recog ntuon of new officers and workers of the Brotherhood at its 11 a Sunday service Central Baptist will hear Capt Charles Fllfs chaplain of Sev-enth Naval District speak on Triumph Of Our at its Sunday morning service Miss Jeanne Smith will be soloist at the evening hour ELDER CAN NOV IV ADDRESS Elder George Cannon of Lake City Utah will address Church of Jesus Christ of Saints Sunday Youth Groups Sec Episcopal Picture All Souls church young people will be hosts to youth groups from Holy Cross Trinitv St Stephens St Philips and Holy Comforter churches at a showing of the Episcopal church picture Too Sometime at 7:30 Sunday Other pictures will be Included in the program Riggs Speaker For Evangel The Rev Ralph Riggs of Springfield Mo assistant general superintendent for the general council of the Assemblies of God will speak at the morning and evening services Sunday at Evangel temple He Is in Florida to preside as moderator for the district conference at Tampa Oct 23-20 Evangel temple is the former First Pentecostal church an affiliate of Assemblies of God the new name having been adopted at a recent meeting of fbe congrega tlon Dr Charles Neece now filling his second assignment to the church reports that improve ments to the extent of wartime limitations have been made and that payment of the church mortgage has been subscribed a mortgage-burning ceremony to be held soon In addition to its affiliation with the Assemblies the chut-ch is a member of National Association of Evangelicals Stale Boards Seeking Clerical Workers Applications for clerical positions with the State Welfare board and the Florida Industrial commission are now being accepted Troy Davis chairman of district No 9 announced Friday Merit system examinations will be held soon for positions In many parts of the state Applications must be filed not later than Nov 4 on forms available at the Merit System office Box 113 Gainesville or at most unit and district offices Ricks Begins Third Year At Northeast Beginning his third year as pas' tor of Northeast Rresbyterian church the Rev George Ricks will speak on "Thy Kingdom at the 11 a Sunday service He will begin a series of "Gos pel Messages On Great at 7:30 his fiwt sub-topic to be "Christ In the Temple" by Hofmann The Rev Mr Ricks was graduated from Union Theological seminary Richmond Va in 1930 and ordained by St John's Presbytery He served as minister at Homestead rresbyterian church for three years Nominated as new moderator of St rrtsbytery his formal election to the post will take place at the spring meeting at St John's clnireh here Northeast has become self-sup porting since his assumption of the pastorate in 1942 and member-ship and financial edntributions have doubled the minister reveals A church addition and improve ments have been accomplished and the congregation is buying manse Robert Fitch Smith Is now drawdng plans for contemplated new Sunday school rooms Organ! zation of two Brownie troops and a Young Adult fellowship are planned as is a week of Bible study under direction of Dr Crossley Morgan Diocese To Mark Mission Sunday Observance of Mission Sunday is scheduled in all churches of the Diocese of St Augustine for Oct 22 according to announcement of the Rev Jeremiah LLB diocesan director Enrollment of all adults in the Society for the Propagation of the Faith to comply with the plan of Pope Pius XII and Bishop Joseph Hurley of St Augustine: is the goal set for the day Contributions will be sent to home and foreign missions RIVERSIDE METHODIST CHURCH First St at Tenth Ave (One Block North of ITagier) Richard Broyles Patiot Theosophical Society Announces Lectures Mrs Harper of the Theosophical society will begin a series of seven lectures on "World at 11a Sunday in the Miami Lodge Adyar library Mrs Bennie A Bare to make an introductory talk The seven rourse on the teachings of Krishna the Hindu system Zoroaster Buddha Confucius Lao-Tze Mohammed Judaism and Jesus wdll conclude Dec 3 with a lecture on "Religion For Sel-up Meeting Event of Monday Sub-district of Methodist Youth fellowship announces its annual set-up' meeting for Monday night under direction of Miss Elizabeth Knocks at Trinity Methodist church After 630 supper there will be a program business session and commission group discussion of work for the year under leadership of Mrs Edward Miller jr Mrs 11 Blackburn the Rev Rowell and Mrs Carmen Howell Dr Blackburn district superintendent will speak on Crusade for with White -Temple young people In charge of devotions Presbyte i a announces a evangelistic series at which the Rev Paul Edris of Davtona Beach will speak beginning at 7:45 Sunday with services at the TT same hour night-f ly except Satur- I fla5'- The Rev- 5 James Call EDHIS pan pastor -assisted by the church pianist Betty Oliff will be in charge of the music in which guest singers will be the choir pear-hart jr will be soloist at the opfning service Ministers and repiescntativcs of Westminster will be guests Monday Shenan doah Tucsdav Miami Springs Wednesday Miami Beach and Alta Vista Thursday and Northeast Fii-dav A reception for the Rev Mr Edris will be held after the Monday service and a swim party in which Northeast members will join will be given by joung people Saturday Tabernacle Baptist will have Dr Hambrick Jacksonville evan gehst as speaker at revival meet irgs which open Sunday and con tihue through Nov 5 with Sunday services at 11 a and 8 and week night services at 8 pre ceded by song and prayer meeting at 7:30 Flagler Street revival services conducted bv the Rev Al bert I Carnett radio evangelist and pastor of Wondlawn Baptist church of Jacksonville continue through Monday lie will speak 'on "America's Front Line of De fense" at a 330 mass meet ing Sunday The Rev Mr Car nett begins a tour of principal Florida cities next week in interests of Southwido Southern Baptist Convention Centennial Crusade For Chtist to be launched next 3 ear Bible Research will hear Evangelist Alice Libit of Greenville Tenn speak at 8 Sunday The speaker who was born blind and whose sight was restoted when she was 18 will design her talk on that theme" West Little River Baptist will open a Stewardship revival Sunday the pastor the Rev Reid to'epeak Guest speakers will be heard at 8 week-dav services Including the Rev Sims Monday the Rev Henry A Farker of Allapattah Tuesday Judge Ralph Retteway Wednesday and the Rev Sledge Thursday The pastor who will also act as song leader will preach Friday Beach Tresbj terian will have the Rev Graham Spurrier of Char lotte as guest speaker at 11 a and 8 Sunday Mrs John Prosser will be soloist Grace Methodist will center all services tomorrow on observance of annualmissioijary Sunday the Rev George Rowell to speak on the subject "Let-the Church Face Its at the morning service and on "Letting Light in the evening pas tor the Rev Stewart Austin will preach on "Demonstrating A New- In-observance of annual misslonery Sunday tomorrow morning He will continue his series on' "Great Leaders Of Is in the evening Miami Springs rresbj terianV 730 Sunday service will be follow ed by a young people's hymn sing and social period Riverside Baptist will have Dr White as guest speaker Sunday in the absence of Dr Bolton who is conducting a revival at Hastings Dr White for 20 years pastor of the former First Baptist church here will speak on Out Of at Jl a and on "What Is at 8 Bay Shorn Lutheran's pastor the Rev George Schuster has written a hymn "Shadows Shadows Days Of Shadows" which will be introduced at the 11 a Sunday service by the wife with piano accompaniment by SUNDAY PROGRAM Church School (all departments! 945 a Morning Worship 11 a (Nursery for Small Children) Sermon Topic: "The Fellowship Faith" Young People 6:45 Informal Evening Service I Sermon Topic: "This One Thing" CENTRAL Presbyterian (USA) 3rd St and 17ih Plac Cazwell Graves Johnstone Tl 3-3388 Minister Public Worship 11 A Sermon Toplct "THINGS THAT ACCOMPANY SALVATION" Sunday School 9:30 A Communicant Class 10 A Chimes Program 10:45 A Christian Endeavor Meetings 7:00 and 7:30 Come and Worship With Your Neighbors Calvary To Honor Charier Members Charter members of Calvary Baptist will be given recognition when the church celebrates its 22nd anniversary Sunday Dr A Gammage will deliver an anniversary address -and the choir will offer special music BAY SHORE LUTIIERAH CHURCH "The Friendly Church" 7 58th" St at Bisc Bivd Pastor's Phone 7-0540 I Flying Corporals Visit Tabernacle The Seven Flying Corporals gos-pel team from Boca Raton Air base will conduct the 7:45 Sunday service atMiami Gospel tabernacle Corp Ernie Long former theological student to speak and his assistants to sing and play The Rev John Johanson a native of South Africa where his father was a missionary and who is leturmng to his own work in the mission fields there will speak at II a He will occupy the pulpit at Central Alliance church at 7:43 The Rev Roy Adams en route to French West Africa for his first term will speak at Central church at 11 a CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST 383 4TH ST Roy Vaughan Minister Phono 3-1092 A Beavtilul Church la lie Heart of Miami WJfh a Special Welcome For Those In the Service Philbrick Va Hour Richard Maxwell WQAM Not Saturday But Sunday BRYAN MEMORIAL CHURCH Mils Hlfhvar Cscamt Crot Slbrrt Dlt Hiir I 1 IlOO IVESLASTISS MESCV ImaiAduti Parkins frtt tram Stmt Man Iraittfil Srttlns Holy Cross EPISCOPAL CHURCH 36th St and 1st Ave Holy Communion A Sunday fruhnol 030 A Morning Praver and Sermon 11 AM Holy Communion Friday 10 A Rer- VV fiaamie Rector-" WESTMINSTER Yr BRIAN CHURCH SEVENTH-DAr ADVENTIST CHURCH 82 4th i Street SATUROAY- SERVICES: Sabbath 8rhnol A Centennial AnnHeraary Service Sermon 10 Ml A 'M WESLEY AMUNDSON i Oueht Speaker Gjnrding CHURCH OF CHRIST 5245 SUNDAY SERVICES 11AM 7:45 PM Wednesday 8 PM I8th Street Between Blacayne Bird and tnd Arenas REV JAMES JOHNSON MINISTER SCND4Y SERVICES: Sunday School 9:45 A MORNING SERVICE: A EVENING SERVICE: 73 St lOCNO VESPERS :45 Seventh-I)ay 'Adventist Observes Centennial One-hundredth anniversary of Inauguration of the Seventh Day Adventist movement Is being observed with special services in the Miami church this weekend Carrying out the denominational plan the program stresses progress of the church and efforts for future achievement PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 1500 54th Street gives a hearty welcome to the public to hear the evangelist LOUIS PINDER ef Jackson Mirhigao Sunday night Pastor Geo Duplisiey REV GEORGE SCHUSTER Sunday School 10 A 11 A "What To Do' When Troubles Comes" 7:30 Life of Christ" Everybody Welcome 48 YEARS OF SERVICE- IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Slh Are end 4th 8t Bondar School 10 A Worship 11 A and 8 Chapel Sunday School 9:30 A 1877 8 19TI1 STREET Andeen Faator CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH (Merger First Baptist and Templa Baptist) CORNER FIRST AVENCE AND FIFTH STREET In Downtown Miami Morning 11:00 A Sunday 930 A Evening 8:00 Training 6:30 Prayer Wednesday at 800 DR ROY ANGEIL Minister Meetings Every Sunday 2 1 30 PM At 2170 17th Avenue Sermon: "Milk and Meat Heb Lull Age Diapeneatlon Oterromers lio Other Sneakers Prayers for sick and afflicted And uhnsneter will let him take of the Mater of Lite freely Kev 24:17 BEAUTIFUL LAST MEMORIES Last msmorlsa loved onea ara eoftened by tha dimity and baauty of a veil managed funeral Wa try to bring families serve every consolation within our power CENTRAL ALLIANCE CHURCH CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 2045 SECOND AVEN'l MISSIONARY RALLY DAY Guest Speakers: Rev Robert Adams John Johansen Ronald Johnson Pastor Phone 9-1573 TUNE B0SW0RTH Evnnerllsf and Director of the National Radio Revival WFTL 710 Kilo Every Sunday 2 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EAST FLAGLER AT THIRD AVENCE DR THOMSON MINISTER 11 -Wt A Core Fnr Dr Thomson 7-30 In a Morld of Ir Harold Wetr 9:15 A Church School 30 Toons Feopla a :3 Sunday FTentns Social Honr BETHANY COVENANT CHURCH 4798 8th At Sunday Service 11 A Rev lavld Bergstrom Taka Ilua No 26 To 47tlt Terrace While Temple Methodist Church SECOND AVENUE AT THIRD STREET Rev Glenn James DD Minister Sunday Services! 10:43 A and 7:45 Sunday School: 9:30 A Youth Fellowship: 8:30 Morning Sermon Broadcast WQAM FUNERAL HOMES THEOSOPHY A Philosophy of Jniona lying Miami Lndga (Adyar) 815 Be hold Bldg The Religion of the World Public Close Each Sunday 11 A UMUt lJtet aiMiAMssiacn s-e rtn a vt itso mIalion oa REVIVAL SERVICES SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 7:45 FLAGLER STREET BAPTIST CHURCH 35th AVENUE and FLAGLER STREET REV ALBERT CARXETT Pastor Woodlawn Baptist Church Jacksonville Fla Sunday 3:30 Mass Meeting Front Line of Defease" 7:45 Each Evening Take Bus No IB BECKONING LIGHT CHURCH 21fM 8 lflfh Bt Rita No 2) Bandar Berrleea 7-48 Guest Bpeaker: fail to hear him Florence Baumgardner Welker and Pauline Reid Wednesday 8 IP All-Mr meeting Minister Bertie Ullv Candler SHENANDOAH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2106 8th Street Sunday Services 9:30 11 A and 8 Mid-week Bible Hour Wednesday 8 Members of the Armed Forces Especially Invited Take Bus Numbers 2 3 or 5 DANIEL IVERSON FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 230 FOURTH STREET MIAMI DR EVERETT SMITH MINISTER 11:00 A Believe in the Christian Rav Paul Johnson 7:30 PM New Rev Paul Johnson Song Pirtfd bv Tomlinnon SERVICE OF DEDICATION-1 1 -00 A Consecration of Altar Vestments and Candelabra The Sermon: "ABIDE WITH US LORD JESUS" Pastor Wahl The Anthem: "Build Thee More Stately Andrew Luther League 6:30 Boys' Hobby Club Friday 7:30 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD LUTHERAN CHURCH 7610 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD Little Shenandoah Spiritualist Church 644 6th Ate Cor 7th St Btw 3 Letr bv Rev Etta A Van Ahfyftt Servieti wry Santav antf WHnt'tfay 7 45 PM Mb ttftM fey ft Frmel MrNaba fttarl Hinktoa Thors Dona Dofein an4 Mr Harrison Hralen Hrn Trial ftal Emma Brlfl Party 0rtofer 26th 8 ft ftv Van Alstyna Pastor ftv MeNabb Assistant There Is a Reason For the Large Crowds Attending The Apostolic Church 1301 23rd SI Rbt Strickland (th prparhpr that 1 different) mill speak iMimlay Subject: Hear ETngfllf Marlon Turner sinr areompanled hr hi electric soltar fter a dull moment at this friendly rhorrh REV fFIGIR FACTOR FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST BISCAYNE BLVD AT 19TH ST SUNDAY SERVICES AT 11 A AND 8 Subject: "PROBATION AFTER Sunday School At 11 A Wednesday Evening Meetings At 8 TEMPLE OF REVELATION 90 17th Avenu SUNDAY SERVICES AND HEALING 8:00 Dee tv re hr CH4RLF4 MILDER Fwrhir Demonstration bv RFV RT BY HMIDT RfV ARLINE flLIER ETHLL McMILLAN hpeeial Music 411 message meeting 2 and 8 1 by Ke Ruby Sehmldt -All message meeting 8 by tier Margaret Drake Bible Research Hall 502 Miami Avenue Presents EVANGELIST ALICE LISK Greenville Tennegsee STARTING SUNDAY OCTOBER 22nd 8 PM A Group of Friends presents the Rev Harvey John Frilsch in a Series of SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES HELD IN THE WOMAN'S CLUB BLDG CORAL GABLES 1009 East Ponce de Leon Blvd Services at 11 A and include Communion Worship and Message Bible School 10 A REVIVAL SERVICES Oct 22nd to Nov 3rd LITTLE RIVER BAPTIST CHURCH 77th St and 4th Ct Rev James Wilder Pastor RR ALLEX IV GRAVES Evangelist Pastor First Baptist Church Ft Pierce Fla speaking each night at 8 420 40th Street Rev Earl Vennum Pastor 2501 7th Street Rev- Welle SOUTH 2400 32nd Avenue Rev Miles A Simmons Pastor THE SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE TEMPLE OF LIGHT bch 5t (V 7 HIKTI-IOI RTII ALME 14 nndav Service anil Healing Mnatri by flowers Ihurulay All-Mekoaga meeting al 8 I Al Hc Mabel Martin Minister assisted by Gertrude lltman and Joseph and all co-worker 4-2tHt MRS ERNEST JAMES PianUt Phone 7-8415 Phone 48-3114 Phone 4-5808 EVERYONE INVITED TO ATTEND All cr ROBT EVANS Chm EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED ALL WELCOME' Affiliated With Cnity School of Christianity Kansas City Mo EVANGEL TEMPLE 7TH AVE AT 36TH STREET (FORMFRIY EIRT PENTECOST 4 CHI RCH A NEW NAME A NEW PROGRAM A NEW VISION CENTER OF PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY BEX THEATER 287 FLAGLER ST fetNIHY 11 A'M Rev Mar Cornell Stolber Lender Snbjeet IIDINt THE (IINM int William 4 an Aikin Speaker 8 at 128 3rd St Htn Un Alktn Speaker ACTUAL PICTURES OF MIRACLES EVERYBODY'S TABERNACLE 7TH AVE-AND 34TH ST ETHEL WILLITTS F4MOIS BIBLE PREACHER I YOU BELIEVE IN MUa'Tbi Vnuul ft-Frrir 111 Offered for the Mp i Anting Choir ilLAlv! tr Teen Are OirU hnrtia Hammond Organ and fno Grand Flanna TEMPLE OF CONTINUITY 1722 W'Flugler Snnday 8 DOES GOD HEAR YOUR PRAYERS? If so come-and give If not come and learn why PONDAROZA The beloved teacher and administering Angel assist you 'Each Sunday in this beau GERALDINE PELTON infill temple Founder and Pastor Public InVlICCI A M-SUNDAY 7:45 PM BOTH SERVICES Rev Ralph Rljijis At Gnrl SuiwrlntnJB ASSEMBLIES OF GOD AN OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR THIS GREAT SPEAKER WRITER AND TEACHER A Church Home For All Servicemen" YOUTH RALLY SAT 7:30 DR CH4S FECE Mimstyv Hear! Seven Flying Gospel Team From Boca Raton Flying Corporal Ernie Long will preach Others will sing play oj give personal testimonies SUNDAY NIGHT 7:45 O'CLOCK Rev Jahn Johanson missionary to French West Africa speaks at 1 1 A MIAMI GOSPEL TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 5th Ave and 33rd St For Information Call Rev Mangham Pastor "Rags Ropes or Rebels" Sunday 10:45 A REV ROBERT NICHOLLS Co-Pastor Listen In WFTL 710" Week Day' Mornings 10:15 Prayer Service Youth Rally Wednesday 7:45 Friday 8:00 ETHEL TTILUTTS Famous Bible.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.