The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)

8. PAGE FOURTEEN SAN BERNARDINO DAILY SUN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 Women Golfers to Open Club Tournament Season Here Today SIX TOURNEYS SCHEDULED AT COUNTRY CLUB Redands and Riverside Women Golfing Teams Booked Here Today and Wednesday Women golfers will open the tournament season on the San Bernardino Valley country club course today and after the fair sex have started the campaign for lower scores, the veterans of the links are going 'to have their chance to disclose golf prowess. Following the rather unusual start for winter golf tournaments, the caddies have place in an 18-hole affair to scheduled eartheir, ly next week. Two Women Teams Booked The Redlands women golfers will come here today to meet the San Bernardino teams captained by Mrs.

R. M. Champion and Mrs. J. C.

Moodey. And on Wednesday the Riverside women's golfing team will meet the Blue and Red teams of this city on the San Bernardino Valley country club course. The first match play between the San Bernardino and Riverside teams held at Riverside Jest resulted in an ever. break and hopeful of victory this afternoon against the Redlands women club swingers, the San Bernardino women to add new laurels by defeating the golfers from Riverside. Veterans To Shoot Pars The senior tournament will get underway Saturday when the "boys" of 50 years or more vie for low score honors.

Twelve players, ranging in ages from 50 to 73 years old, have peen entered in this tournament and additional entries are anticipated by Lew Owen, club professional. has been posted at the golf shop that the 18-hole qualifying round for the club ladder tournament must be completed not later than Sunday. Most of the scores should he in not later than Saturday afternoon, it was announced by the club professional. The caddies' tournament has added a new feature in the golf program and is proving popular as well as doing a great deal toward organizing a caddy system unexcelled at any other club. Following the first play of the youthful club toters, the scores gave the club pro an opportunity to arrange handicaps for the boys.

The caddies have now been registered under a handicap record from their first 18 holes so every boy will have a fair chance to win the tournament. Paul Poplin, holding a low gross score of 88 will take the lowest stroke handicap while Ed Williams is second with a 94 and Harold Clark is third on a card of 97. Triple Win Play Scheduled Again Plans have been made to start the triple-win tournament again and soon after the first of the year the president's cup tournament will be scheduled. The last triple-win tourney was completed several months ago, the silver trophy being won by Gail Stockton who annexed the tournament honors three times. J.

B. Claypool, F. Holmes and Otis Hanson won low scores in this tournament but could not add two additional triumphs to secure the permanent possession of the cup. Chicago White Sox Purchase Smead Jolley of Seals Club (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Nov. White Sox made another move to strengthen their team today by purchasing Smead Joliey, heavy hitting outfielder from San Francisco of the Pacific Coast league.

Jolley batted .385 and rapped 38 homers for the Seals last season. Game protection has made it possible for the moose herds of Canada to increase in size. Read the Ciassified. Pittsburgh Grid Eleven Leads Field (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. the downfall of Dartmouth and Clemson and the scoreless tie Texas university waned with Southern Methodist, Pittsburgh has taken the lead among the nation's score or so of undefeated football teams.

Pittsburgh has rolled up 202 points in six consecutive victories. There were only 14 unbeaten and untied teams today with another dozen or so unbeaten but tied, Only Texas and St. Mary's could boast an crossed line. The list of undefeated teams follows: Points Won Tied For Against Pittsburgh 0 202 23 Tulane 188 45 Tennessee 184 13 Tex. Chrstn.

3 0 169 Ohio U. 0 -0 173 ON Wn. Maryld. a 115 12 Kentucky 195 12 Minnesota 01 153 Notre Dame 5 80 13 Cornell 147 25 Purdue on 147 25 00000. Utah 137 13 Barney Google and Spark Plug By Billy DeBeck BELIEVE ME.

IT'S ND JOKE WHEN HULLO IS THIS MR. RR- YAH, YA GOT A FEELIN' THAT ANY MINUTE SCHMIDT SAY AHHH- YOU'RE NO Two SOME GONNA WAYS GANG'S 3E ABOUT GOT BUMPED IP- OFF THIS WHAT WHISKERS WAITING ABOUT MORNING I FOR THOSE ORDERED IM FALSE GARLY CAN Now GO FEEL I OUTSIDE 22? BARNEY! vor 72 MY NUMBER OH! ALL. IM A MARKED MAN! DONT AN' REMEMBER TELL A SOUL WHO. BOUGHT 'EM 1929, King Features Syndicate, Grest Britain rights reserved. 11:5 BOWLING NEWS NOTES Diamond Tire Girls' bowling team won but one of the three matches in the series against the Tonneson Service, accounting for this single when they piled up 777 pins in the second game as against 761 for the sturdier bowlers.

The women's bowling team started the league season with a series triumph over the California Milk Producers and in the second series broke even with the Butter Krust team, The Tonnesons were the first "gentleman" team to show greater prowess in tumbling the wooden pins than the Diamond Girls. Burck, anchorman for the service station rollers, won both the high individual and high series scores. Diamond Girls M. Prall 115 181 136-- 432 J. White 152 118 128- 398 A.

Mitchell 156 155 136-- 447 B. Strotz 175 152 150- 477 H. Gabler 157 171 142- 470 Totals 755 777 692 2224 Tonnesons Wright 142 Bates 126 Hewett 155 Rakow 201 Burck 206 126 138 140-408 143 155-- 453 In 184 545 the 170 213- 589 Totals 830 761 830 2421 In the battle of the bread makers, the Sunshine Bread team won two games from the Butter-Krust Team. Establishing a score of 843 pins in the opener, the Sunshine Bread team took the second match on a team total of 710 but dropped the third match when the Butter-Krust rollers topped the 800 mark. Butter- Krust F.

Stahlheher 118 142 177-- 437 C. Andresen 125 124 150- 399 H. Andresen 146 152 156-- 454 J. Meyers 138 134 157- 429 H. Fallis 194 120 189 503 Totals 721 672 829 2222 Colored VIOLET for your protection GENERAL VIOLET RAY ANTI-KNOCK GASOLINE APPRENTICES BOOK KINGMAN Santa Fe Eleven Retains Clean Slate by Defeating Hemet in Return Contest 13-0 Continuing its triumphant grid stride by defeating the Hemet eleven, 13 to 0, last Sunday return game on the Hemet gridiron, the Santa Fe Apprentices hold a clean slate for the season with four wins and sally forth to Kingman, Sunday in the fifth endeavor maintain a perfect record.

The Apprentices are playing a brand of football which indicates they will make a real bid for the Santa Fe system football championship. Coach W. Haggard's players won the laurels last year and are now the defending champions. In the game against Hemet, the Apprentices revealed power plays rather than relying on the tricky passing attack which has aided and featured the Santa Fe in previous games. Bill Mansfield smashed over for the first down in the second quarter after his backfield mates had aided in a march of more than 45 yards down the field.

In the final quarter Melvin Ward intercepted a Hemet pass and raced for a distance of more than 50 yards to score the second touchdown. The point was converted. When the eleven came to San Bernardino three weeks ago they dropped a 13-to-0 game to Coach Haggard's gridders. The return game went by the same score. The game at Kingman next Sunday will be followed by another outof-town schedule in which the Apprentices journey to Needles for a return contest.

The Needles Indians lost here by a score of 20 to 0. A man who weighs 200 pounds on the eath would weigh 5,400 pounds on the sun. Belgian Congo has coal deposits of more than 1,000,000,000 tons. Jan Francisco 7- day return limit ROUNDTRIP $18 ONE WAY $13 Including MEALS and BERTH "HARVARD and YALE" SAILINGS TO SAN FRANCISCO Sun. from L.A.

Harbor. 4 p.m. ROUND TRIP TO SAN DIEGO 21-day return limit ONE WAY $3 Including MEALS SAILINGS to SAN Sun. Boat train leaves P. E.

Depot one hour before each sailing. 02-31 LASSCO LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. 654 Main Street, Riverside Telephone 540 730 So. Broadway, Los Angeles Tel. VAndike 2421 SUN INFORMATION DIRECTORY Auto Wrecking Max Aron 245-247 Arrowhead Phone 411-72 All Makes Automobiles and Parts Bought and Sold New and Second Hand Piping and Belting Fittings of All Kinds.

Advertising Service, Multigraphing, Mimeographing, Addressing, Etc. 430 Court 281-51 Ambulance, Embalming, Undertaking (Lady Ass't) Mark B. Shaw 468 Fifth 401-02 Ambulance Funeral DirectorsJ. W. Woodhouse- That Saves--Ph.

441-01--1364 Mt. Vernon Direct-by-Mail Advertising ServiceSun Advertising Service 430 Court Street. Phone 281-51 and Engraving Steel Die Work Sun Engraving ......430 and Embossing--Copper Plate Court Street Funeral Directors (Lady Assistant) Stephens Bobbitt 1156 Phone 371-72 Milk and Cream- and PasteurizedCalifornia Milk Producers Ass'n-937-941 Third Phone 2189 2180 Multigraphing, Direct-by-Mail Advertising Planned and Produced Sun Advertising Phone 281-51 Printing, Stationery, Binding--Phone 281-51 Sun Printing Publishing House. 430 Court Street Rex Transfer Line-2 Trips Daily to and from Los Angeles 133 So. Street.

271-51 YELLOW SHIRTS PLAY RESERVES Junior College Secondary Grid Forces Oppose Colton High In Scrimmage Today THE MORNING AFTER By SID OLIN "It's just poor management, I calls it," said a paid customer at the Santa Fe baseball park last Sunday aS he watched the Coca Colas take a second trouncing from the Commercial club, a fast Los Angeles baseball team but one that was not any faster than the co*kes. The game was lost on a 6 to 2 count and also a customer who seemed to know his baseball as well as a first hand knowledge of what the players could accomplish. Mr. Fan gave a number of reasons why the Commercial club lost. And when he concluded he marched out of the grand stand just before the ninth inning had been completed.

"What is the idea of getting a player like Pat O'Shea from Los Angeles and then keep him on the bench?" asked Mr. Fan. Getting the usual, dunno," he offered another query: "And who is the youngster on first base trying to break into the game with a pair of legs that get all twisted up so that he is in danger of spiking himself?" Mr. Fan was right. Although the co*kes had two experienced first sackers playing in the lineup, the youth who was as hitting well but unaccustomed to his job at the initial sack should have been shifted to some other job.

Sally Castorena or Ross Gardner can handle the job in first class order and yet the newcomer could not be charged with an error on any play during the game. And there was Gillie Gilbert dividing his time between coaching on the base lines and warming the bench. There was a logical reason for Gillie's peaceful activities. He has not played ball for several weeks and to view the game from the bench or sidelines, with the hope of relief work was just in order for the aggressive player. But when Mr.

Fan asserted that Gillie played ball all the time, regardless of score and if he appeared a bit scrappy it was because he was always fighting to win, another reasonable doubt on team management was reflected. Ray Hodson who hits the ball hard but not too often, had a poor day and he acknowledged it. A player who knew just exactly where he rated in the matter of batting after the first time at the plate, would have been retired in leagues considerably lower than the minor circuit. You Will LOS ANGELES Better if You Stop at Hotel Hayward SIXTH and SPRING STREETS IF Get the Hayward New Million Dollar Annex 550 Comfortable Rooms $2.00 per day up without bath $2.50 per day up with bath PERSONAL SERVICE Popular Priced Coffee Shop and Grill We Check Your Car at the Door H. C.

FRYMAN, Proprietor JOHN E. WAGENER HARRY C. WAGENER RUSSELI, H. WAGENER Managers CARDS AWAIT CHALLENGERS Three Prep Leagues Draw Open Dates This Week in Plan To Minimize Playoffs Three prep leagues will have an open date Friday, and with the byes scheduled for other high school teams, it is probable that more than one All-Southern playoff contest will be scheduled this week. The open dates on Friday in the Citrus Belt league, Coast and the Foothill leagues, have been made for the purpose of having leading teams meet in a playoff to eliminate the list of contenders in latter weeks for the football championship of Southern California, Coach M.

P. Renfro's Cardinals have won the Citrus Belt league championship, despite possible de'A feat from Chaffey here next week, providing Pomona beats Redlands in the league final. The Cardinals must accept the challenge of any leading eleven in the Class or leagues. The two smaller circuits would not be able to eliminate the Cards in the event of a triumph, but was given another bid for a game and remain as a contender as long as it won. Muir Tech and Fullerton head the Foothill league with three victories and no defeats.

The challenge for the Cardinals this week could not come from this grid circuit, because of the dispute between teams. This also true of the Coast league, where Long Beach and Santa Ana are disputing the leadership. Huntington Park has won four games in the Bay league, and appears to be the class of that circuit, but the Parkers have a date this week at Santa Monica. Citrus draws a bye in the San Gabriel valley league, and has the opportunity challenging any league champion. The Cardinals will carry out an extensive practice program this week, according to Coach M.

P. Renfro who stated yesterday that he was prepared to accept in behalf of the Citrus Belt league charpions, any challenge issued for a Friday with Class A teams or game certain assured winners in the two smaller prep circuits. Read the Classified. Quick Pile Relief Dr. Leonhardt's Hem Roid is guaranteed to banish any form of Pile misery, or money back.

It gives quick action even in old, stubborn cases. Hem-Roid is a harmless tablet that removes blood congestion in the lower bowel--the cause of piles. It brings joyful relief quickly and safely or costs nothing. on Drug and druggists everywhere sell it with this HAVAN A THRU LANDS OF LONG AGO THE captivating Capital of the Caribbean comes as a Panama glorious Mail. climax on the CRUISE TOUR of the You enter the realms of romance in Mexico.

In colorful succession come Guatemala, Salvador and The Spanish splendor of ancient cities is Nicaragua. still unspoiled. You pause tor two days of wonder in the Canal Zone then set forth over waters once the meeting place of pirate, prince and bold explorer for a at glimpse the of Sixteenth Century grandeur in Colombia tip of South America. Northward then, the Route of Romance leads to Havana and New York. Your liner is your home throughout with every luxury of modern travel.

and thirst greater cost than other ways, To York the class fare is as low as $250; to Havana even lower. from San Francisco alternate Thursdays; from Los Angeles alternate Saturdays. Write for "The Sailings Log of the Panama Mail." PANAMA MAIL Steamship Company 2 PINE STREET SAN FRANCISCO 543 SPRING ST. LOS ANGELES Sunshine Bread H. Brown 121 107 132- 360 C.

Smith 238 138 162- 538 W. Munch 151 134 166-- 451 J. Bressler 165 152 131-- 448 E. Downing 168 179 177-- 524 Totals 843 710 768 2321 W. P.

Fuller bowlers annexed the first and final games of the series with the California Milk ers. Rabbitt won the high single score on a total of 193 pins with Gruwell coming a. close second with 192 sticks. Gruwell won the high series score with 535 pins. California Milk Wright 125 141 114- 380 Gover 102 152 136- 390 Bertrom 148 131 118- 397 Arrent 107 116 89--- 312 Gruwell 184 192 159-- 535 Totals 666 732 616 2014 W.

P. Fuller Landis 142 128 125- 395 Thrall 160 104 372 Demling 152 166 130 448 Awald 90 149 151-- 390 Rabbit 147 139 193-- 479 Totals 691 686 707 2084 Japan is a settlement where wives support the husbands and children are the acknowledged of the family. The men keep Punctures Repaired 50c Any place within 5 miles of San Bernardino PHONE 281-42 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE COMPANY 435 Fourth Street By ALMON LOCKABEY The Indian reserves get their second opportunity to display their gridiron wares today when they meet the Colton Yellowjackets on the Jaysee field. The Jaysee first string will rest up from the strenuous game against the Chaffey Panthers. The second string has played game so far this Jaysee, year, outside of their daily scrimmage with the first string.

They received a 25-to-0 lacing at the hands of the University of Redlands frosh. The Yellowjackets have been running wild in the Tri-County league this year, beating their opponents by large scores. Claremont high school received a 46-to-0 trimming at the hands of the Hub City lads and Covina was beaten by a score of 39 to 6. Statistics predict the Yellowjackets to take the Indians by a larger score than did the Redlands Pups, Captain Spec Bush is the outstanding performer from the Industrial City. Coach Donald H.

tosh regards him as one of the best prospects that he has coached in several years. Bush is plenty speedy and possesses plenty of beef to back it up. Coach A. F. Schaefer will use a few first string men in order to improve them for the Santa Ana game, which will be played Saturat Santa Ana.

day, line will be composed of reserves and ineligibles. Salisbury will replace Stevans at the pivot berth, while Moore, Kimpton, Lund, Lewis, Stamford, Bloomquist and Mittman will fill the remainder of the holes. And with such sluggers as Bus Fox, O'Shea, and even Gilbert or Hoots Bailey on the bench, Ray was allowed to battle his own way knowing that the pitcher had the jinx over him. Milton Noriega got his hits when the pokes failed to score runs and they did not come in flocks. Mr.

Fan was correct he declared that the co*kes failed to have a kick and lacked any spirit. Elmer Hansen, late from Beaumont, Texas, where he rated as one of the good players in the Lone Star league, was on the mound for the home club but even a pitcher of Hansen's caliber must get some hits to win a ball game. Mr. Fan has his right to a whole hearted chirp although grand stand managing and grand stand umpiring has been anything but popular. However, the co*kes must win to increase the even can not attendance.n have his way in arranging the lineup, he has a vote when it comes to asking for "heads up" baseball.

Al Herrera, Ontario Walloper, Meets Sailor Smith in Main Go ONTARIO, Nov. fans of the West End are looking forward with more than ordinary interest card booked Wednesday night at Rube Kaufman's Ontario Athletic club when Al Herrera, who has won the title of "the Ontario walloper," will be matched in the main event with Sailor Smith. Smith, who is known as "the Oklahoma buzzsaw," has victories to his credit over Hy Gill, Bert Sampson and Jimmy Ryan. The consistent and fine work of Herrera has attracting wide attention in recent weeks. He and Smith are slated for six rounds and will weigh in at 147 pounds.

Clem Avila of Pomona and Tony Moreno of Santa Ana are scheduled for six rounds in the semi-windup and other bouts will include Frankie Diaz and George Gammage for six rounds in the special event, Carl Hager of San Bernardino and Young Brown, Warren Frakes of Ontario and Frankie Gonzales of Los Angeles, and Johnny Previs of Ocean Park and Harry Perdue of San Bernardino. Read the Classified. AUTHORIZED Lovejoy UNTIED MOTORS Hydraulic SERVICE AC Shocks Tonneson's Sixth and Streets Phone 4751 Saturn is said to have 10 moons, Jupiter nine, and Mars two. Vital Glands of Young Animals In New Tonic! ANNOUNCEMENT Largest comes Gland from Laboratories that dangerous gland operations are no longer necessary. Gland Scientists have discovered a way to combine glands from freshly killed bulls, boars, rams, goats and other healthy animals with pepgiving vegetable tonics in tablet form.

This tonic, known as MOREX, is now recommended by thousands of druggists and physicians to men and women who are run-down, pepless and "too tired" to enjoy life. Get personal information about your glands and learn how 10-day test package of MOREX TONIC will stimulate you, from Towne-Allison Drug Stores, San Bernardino Drug, Mack Puthoff and other leading druggists.Adv. Firestone Tire Stores, Inc. C. O.

MORGAN NOW LOCATED AT 2nd and Sts. Phone 454-88 Firestone Tires and Tubes Patronize the BIG RED CARS Fast Frequent Service Look at Your Watch ACED Ten trains daily operating from San Bernardino to the business center of Los Angeles. Leaving San Bernardino, 6:45 a. 7:45 a. 8:45 a.

10:45 a. 1:00 3:00 p. 5:40 p. 8:10 p. m.

and 10:25 p. m. p. Fare One Way, $1.35. Round Trip $2.30.

Limit 10 days. Steel car equipped with modern conveniences operating over well ballasted oiled road bed insures a Fast, Comfortable trip to the City. Special Rates and Service to organized parties to any point of the Pacific Electric will gladly be furnished upon request. For information concerning rates and service to points on the Pacific Electric, call 321-63. PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY C.

H. Jones, General Agent Phone 321-63.

The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)
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