The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)

FUND DRIVES STUDIED BY CIVIC GROUP DEBARY At an executive board meeting of the DeBary Civic Assn. Wednesday there was a general forum on public relations as background for the entertainment and fund raising programs which the association plans to employ in its community activities. Inasmuch as the Boy Scout movement is of improtance to all of DeBary, Pres. William L. Fidler Jr.

appointed a committee which will meet tonight with the leaders of the Scouts and discuss aims and obligations of sponsors. Guardsmen Receive Promotions SANFORD-1 motions of men in the national guard unit here have been announced by guard officials. The advances were made last month. On Feb. 6, Sgt.

George W. Hirt was advanced to sergeant first class, Sgt. James J. Kendall to sergeant first class, Sgt. David A.

Ramsey to sergeant first class, Cpl. Elmer B. Cohen to sergeant. Cpl. Arthur R.

Pedigo to sergeant and Cpl. Ernest M. Whitaker to sergeant. On Feb. 16 James L.

Bluther was made a corporal, and Pvt. Donald E. Baty and Pvt. Richard H. Worrell were each made private first class.

ON FEB. 18, Pvt. Donald Earnest was named specialist third class. On Feb. 18, Pvt.

Donald Earnest was named specialist third class. On Feb. 20, Pvt. E-1 Cordell B. Carter was advanced to private -2.

On Feb. 24 Pfc. Herschel Powell was named a corporal, Pvt. Bobby L. Johnson to specialist-3, Pvt.

Kay A. Turner to specialist-3 and Pvt. Cecil K. Abney to private first class. Bids Due March 25 TAVARES Bids for construction of a health center at Leesburg will be received at 2 p.

March 25, according to announcement by county commissioners. Birthday Marked MCINTOSH Mrs. 0. D. Huff Jr.

entertained a group of youngsters recently at a party marking the third birthday of her daughter, Diane. Many Participate Banquet Served For Oviedo Scouts OVIEDO Boy Scouts, Explorers and Cubs along with their parents and honor guests filled the Oviedo Memorial Building to capacity last week for the annual Blue and Gold Banquet. Table centerpieces were cleverly decorated cabbage heads with candy features and paper Cub Scout caps. Place mats were in alternate colors of blue and gold with tiny American flags stamped on them. CUB SCOUTS were in charge of decorations; Explorers set up the tables; Boy Scouts furnished dessert and drinks.

The banquet was served buffet style, with each family contributing a covered dish. Cub Scout den mothers in charge were Mrs. Leon Oliff, Mrs. R. L.

Slavik, Mrs. J. M. Staley, Mrs. Robert Lee, Mrs.

E. L. Bellhorn and Mrs. J. S.

Best. Before the guests were seated, the colors were presented by Billy Schumacher, Seth Rook, Jimmy Jones and Arthur Evans. The Doxology was led by J. M. Staley.

THE REV. George Carlton, master of ceremonies, introduced the honor guests: C. D. Caldwell, evecutive secretary, Central Florida Council of Boy Scouts; Scouter Fred Horn who accompanied a group of boys to Philmont Scout Ranch last summer; Mrs. Ludomil Morski, president of Oviedo P.TA, the scout sponsoring organization, and Dr.

E. W. Stoner, local physician. Cub Scout committeemen were introduced as follows: J. W.

Evans C. Schumacher, John Courier, W. R. Hein, Billy Gammage, W. A.

Ward, Leon Oliff, J. M. Staley. Also asked to stand were the den mothers. CUB SCOUT inspection followed, with W.

C. Schumacher and J. E. Pearson in charge. Cubmaster John Evans announced that the March theme would be exploring Alaska.

Awards were presented to Cub Scouts by C. D. Caldwell. New members receiving Bobcat pins were Larry Neely and Charles Evans. Others presented with a awards were: Rex Clonts, Wolf badge; Bobby Schumacher, Lion badge; David Problem Discussed CASSADAGA-Good home environment plus regular attendance at church and school can do much to turn youngsters away from delinquency and trouble, said Mrs.

George Cox, speaking before the Cassadaga Woman's Club Wednesday. Eight years a member of the Volusia County school board, Mrs. Cox drew from her experience to say, "Juvenile law will have to have more teeth in it and Volusia a County is large enough to have a juvenile court of its own." trouble makers, she "Psychiatry for maladjusted children would be expensive but would warrant the expense because crime is the most expensive thing in the world. Broken homes are a problem, and placing a child with foster parents hardly fills the need for good home training, she said. Generally the school principals and the teachers try to bring children to realize their responsibility to home and community life, but emotionally disturbed children try to run away from the trouble of unhappy homes.

REFERRING to perennial MRS. COX noted the rapid growth of the school population in Florida with its attendant problems. "I will do what I can between now and the next legislative session to obtain a juvenile court psychiatric help plus a full time juvenile jury in Volusia County," she promised. Methodists List Church Meetings MOUNT DORA--Meetings scheduled at the First Methodist Church for next week are: Monday, 7:30 p.m., the Official Board in Fellowship Hall; Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., the Methodist Mens Club, Fellowship Hall, supper meeting with Millard Reid in charge of the program; Thursday 6:30 p.m. Dr.

C. A. Carriel, Religion as Expressed Through Science, Adult Bible class covered-dish supper at 6:30 p.m. I LONGWOOD OD SUPER MARKET Corner Lake and Church Quality Rights Reserved Longwood, Florida ARMOUR'S YOUNG TENDER FLA. GRADE CAMPFIRE SLICED BEEF HENS LIVER 3 to 5 lb.

Avg. Lb. Lb. Lb. 35 49 39 FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF Lbs.

99 POTATOES No. U.S. 1 10 lbs. 49 PATTIES Lykes OLEO lb. CHILI Can YELLOW RIPE BANANAS 3 lbs.

29c WORLD WIDE KOUNTY KIST CONTADINA WHOLE SOLID PAK GREEN BEANS PEAS TOMATOES 303 303 2 Cans 25c 2 Cans 25c 2 Cans 35c TWIN PET HUNT'S HALVES SALUDA SWEET MIX DOG FOOD PEACHES PICKLES 3 Cans 25c Can 29c 22 Jar OX. 29c ARMIX ARMOUR'S LB. CAN 79 Seminole Volusia 3 Seminole Volusia Standings In League Reported DELAND DeLand Bowl League standings as of March 3 follow: DEBARY SOCIAL W. L. Faron Bldrs.

52 26 Stumpf Serv. Sta. 49 29 Jackson Serv. Sta. E.

A. Davis Bldrs. 38 40 V. F. W.

Garden Center Peck Real Estate 30 48 Lake Marie Estates MEN'S TUESDAY NIGHT W. L. Dick's Atlantic 48 24 Hy-Way Curb Mkt. DeLand Highl'ds Subd. 35 W.

A. Taylor Bldr. R. A. Beesley Rltr.

34 38 Hufford Bldg. Sup. Green Dairy Co. 32 40 Angevine Insur. MEN'S CLASSIC W.

L. Hunter's Chat 'n Nib. 57 35 Johnson's Mkt. 53 39 Volusia Monument 52 40 Bamboo Club 52 40 Maguire Grocery 44 48 Conrad Insur. 42 50 University Drive-In 41 51 Roehr Products 27 65 ALL STAR W.

L. Pepsi-Cola 38 16 Angevine Insur. 35 16 Gregory Lumber Co. 18 33 Robbies 15 39 NIGHT OWLS W. L.

Midnight Ramblers 20 12 Salesmen 19 13 Transits 14 18 Triangles 11 21 FRATERNAL W. L. Moose No. 3 48 24 Moose No. 2 44 28 Lions 38 34 Independents 26 46 MIXED W.

L. Reliable Constr. Kirklands Mkt. Colonial Funeral H. 51 49 Besco Concrete Prod.

Baldauff Plast. 48 52 Calkins Electric Inland Buick 44 56 Todd's Grocery 43 57 LADIES State Farm Insur. Fischer Electric Rural Gas East Richers 54 50 Towne Country 53 51 DeLand Camera 46 58 Roehr No. 1 38 66 Roehr No. 2 JR.

ALL STAR BANTAMS W. L. Fischer Electric 36 21 Horn's Stand. Serv. 35 22 Liggett Electric DeLand Bowl JR.

ALL STAR JUNIORS W. L. Proctor rmstrong 49 31 Conrad Insur. 44 36 Gregorl Bldrs. Jacobs Mtr.

Serv. DOGHOUSE W. L. Otis Thomas The Gift Shop Taffrail Bar 50 42 Nilsson Realty 40 52 University Mtrs. 40 52 Sam Rodes 39 53 P.TA Shown Hi-Fi Use NEW SMYRNA BEACH Bill Dennis and Bernard Harper presented a program on music at Wednesday's meeting of the Faulkner School Parent-Teacher Assn.

They demonstrated hifidelity equipment and stereophonic sound. Mrs. George Hovey, county health nurse, reported on the follow up of the school dental program. The P.TA also agreed to pay for a partition to be built and furniture to be installed in the teachers' lounge. Gospel Singers Plan Meetings ORANGE SPRINGS The Gospel Singing Convention was organized recently at Orange Springs.

The convention is led by members of the Citra, Johnson, Fort McCoy and Simmons Baptist Churches and the Hawthorne Methodist Church. Midwesterners Visit Longwood LONGWOOD The Paden brothers, Harry, Allen and Merele, old friends of the F. J. Zartman family, Grant came to visit them for a while last week from Beloit, Wis. They were vacationing in Florida for a few days.

JayCees Seek New Members By MARCIA WINKLE LONGWOOD The Longwood Area JayCees have started their membership drive for 1958. The new year begins April 1 and the JayCees voted at their directors' meeting Tuesday night to make an all-out drive to encourage more of the community to join their organization. Those who join now will have the advantage of being considered a member for the remainder of this year and the entire year beginning April 1. REGULAR MEMBERS of the JayCees organization are between 21 and 35 years of age. Associate members are those 36 years of age and up.

The only difference in the two types of memberships is that the associate members do not hold offices. They are full-fledged members otherwise and vote on all projects or issues. Much help has been received on the playground project from associate members. The Longwood Area JayCees voted Tuesday night to pay from the club treasury the $7.00 fee for each member desiring to attend the state conference to be held at Tampa in May. Several members plan to attend this next meeting.

The directors and all members will meet this weekend at the town park to erect the playground equipment they have made for the children of the Longwood area. IT WAS REPORTED that after all expenses were paid, $28.45 was added to the club treasury from the recent presentation of the Dixie Trio. A nominating committee to elect officers for the coming year was appointed. Serving on this committee will be W. W.

Montgomery, Jack Carson, and Russell Grant. Court Records VOLUSIA COUNTY Marriage Licenses Max E. Hathaway, 22, Ormond Beach, and Shannon E. Wonderly, 17. Columbus, Ga, Henry Armbruster, 77.

Ormond Terrace, Minn. and Ella Anna Marti, 67, Oak Barnette A. Koons, 40, Houston, Tex. and Elsie Delores Langston, 33, New Smyrna Beach. Robert Hill, 18, DeLand, and Deloris Jones, 16, DeLand.

Suits Filed LeRoy Collins, 85 governor of the state of Florida, etc et al vs. Timothy Hines and Pan American Surety law, $3,000. Emons Shoe Co. 8 Maine Corp. Sidney Snitzer, doing business as Self Service Shoe store, law $1,000, rier and Geraldine Irene Conlon Polrier, vs.

law, Rodrigue $50,000. PolWilpet Tool Co. a New Jersey Corp. vs. Mr.

and Mrs. John E. Fair, Fair's Fine Foods, law, $2,916.07. MARTINI: Vivian E. vs.

Robert divorce. BYRD: Hilda R. Clarence, I divorce. REMODEL at lour coat! Build On A New Room Modernize Your Home Replace A Worn Out Roof Build A Florida Room Build A Garage WE WILL HELP YOU Come in, let us show you how easy it will be. We'll help with your plans and give you an estimate without obligation and we'll tell you about our Home Improvement Loans No Money Down Easy Monthly Payments GREGORY TOP BUILDING QUALITY LUMBER SUPPLIES TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS DELAND SANFORD E.

Wisconsin Ave. 6th Maple Phone RE 4-0500 Phone FA 2-0500 Friday, March 7, 1958 Classified SEMINOLE-VOLUSIA, Want-Ad Rates Evans, silver arrow; Arthur Evans, Webelos badge; Jimmy Courier, Lion badge; Larry Oliff, Wolf badge; Marvin Allbritton, Wolf badge, Bear badge, two gold arrows, silver arrow; Timmy Colbert, gold arrow; Earl Guldi, gold arrow; Billy Hein, silver arrow. EXPLORER SCOUT Jerry Ulrey conducted the Scout graduation ceremony for Joe Malcolm and Johnny Courier, who were then welcomed into the Explorer group by John Evans. All present participated in a song fest led by J. M.

Staley, with Mrs. John Courier at the piano. The Rev. Fr. Carlton called on Dr.

E. W. Stoner to speak to the group. In praising the scouting organization, he related his own experiences as a scout from Tenderfoot past the rank of Eagle Scout. JOHN EVANS, Explorer Post adviser, introduced Ben Wainright, Eric Pearson, Wes Evans and Jerry Ulrey who spoke about their trip to Philmont last summer.

Honor Cub awards for February were presented to Andy Mikler, 'Billy Hein, Chuck Best, Marvin Allbritton, Earl Guldi, David Evans and Larry Olliff. To conclude the scouting highlight of the year, color films were shown by Fred Horn who took the motion pictures on last summer's trip. Radio. TV Highlights Monday Sunday WSBB: Uncovered All Star Theater, Ray Anthony 8:30. WROD: You Bet Your Life My True Story Fishing Facts 6:25: Alex One Man's Family Great Gildersleeve Are Funny Minus One Bob Hope Show Alex Dreier Three Sons Grand Ole Opry Church Programs 8:30 to Hour of Decision 10:00 p.m.

WMFJ: Ken Mercer Art Moore 9:00, 3:10, 4:10, Don Allen 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, 6:30, 7:10, Russ Knight 9:10, 10:10, 11:10. WTRR: 1400 Club Phil Reed 7:05. WJBS: Truth Or Consequences True Confessions One Man's Family 2:30: Dr. Gentry 2:45: Woman in House Pepper Young Alex Dreier Morgan Beatty Fights 9:00. WNDB: Breakfast Club 9:00, Herb Oscar Paul Harvey Symphony Hall Saturday only MetropoliOpera 2:00.

Sunday Bible Class Drew Pearson Paul Harvey 7:15. WMBR.TV JACKSONVILLE FRIDAY MORNING 6:50 Farm Report 7:00 Morn' Show 7:55 Pastor 8:00 Capt. K'garoo AFTERNOON 12:00 Cosmopolitan 12:15 Love Life 12:30 Search 12:45 Guiding Lite 1:00 News 1:15 Weather 1:20 Waldo Norris 1:30 World Turns 2:00 Beat Clock EVENING 6:00 Jim Bowie 6:30 Report 6:45 D. Edwards 7:00 Boots, Saddles 7:30 Pat Boone 8:00 Wyatt Earp 8:30 Zane Grey 9:00 Phil Silvers 8:45 News, Fem. 9:00 House 10:00 Garry Moore Dotto 2:30 Houseparty 3:00 Big Payoff 3:30 Verdict 4:00 Brighter Day 4:15 Secret Storm 4:30 Edge Night 5:00 Buccaneers 5:30 Mickey M'se.

9:30 Playhouse 10:00 Line-Up 10:30 Person 11:00 News 11:10 Weather 11:15 Late Show 12:45 News. 8.O. WMBR- TV JACKSONVILLE Saturday Morning 7:30 Fla. Agricu. 9:30 Kangaroo 7:45 Bible Adv.

10:30 Mighty Mou. 8:00 Sun. School Cartoon 8:30 Once Upon 11:30 Playhouse 9:00 Sky King Afternoon 12:00 Jimmy Dean 2:00 Ice Hockey 1:00 T. of Tex. 4:30 Golf 1:30 Day Called 5:30 Ozzie, Harriet Evening 6:00 Disneyland 9:30 Have Gun 7:00 Men An'apolis 10:00 Gunsmoke 7:30 Perry Mason 10:30 Studio 57 8:30 Dick, duch*ess 11:00 R.

9:00 Gale Storm (11:30 Late Show Diamond 112:45 Sign Off Hospital Notes FISH MEMORIAL, HOSPITAL Births Mr. and Mrs. Allen David Douglas, DeLand, a son, March 5. Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph E. Stumpf, DeBary, a son, March 5. Admissions Merrill Campbell, DeLand. Charles Mahoffey, Star Rt. 2, DeLand.

Miss Josie Rhodes, DeLand. Dismissals John Holloway, Rt. 1, DeLand. Carl Mueller, DeBary, Mrs. Donna Page.

DeLand. Mrs. Charles Vearling, Orange City. Wall Buick NEW SMYRNA BEACH Where You Can TRADE! IN SANFORD Edwards Ph. FA 2-3513 IN DELAND N.

Blvd. RE 4-1401 or 2 days 20c line day WH 1 consecutive days 15c line a day consecutive days 12c line a day (3 line minimum charge) Same rate as 3 lines 12 Pt. ordinary type. Same rate a8 3lines 14 Pt. ordinary type.

Judge 0. E. Hogan, 73-year-old former mayor of Williamson, has been named municipal judge in New Smyrna Beach. He succeeds Fred Brannon Jr. who resigned after winning a lengthy court fight to hold the post.

Real Estate Transfers Made Public DELAND Real estate transactions $5,000 and over in Volusia County, according to deed stamps, follow: Wil-Mar Homes, to Gordon F. Wells et ux, Ormond Beach, Riverbreeze Estates $13,800. Ellison Homes Inc. to William E. Spangler et ux, Angelica, N.

Corbin Park $10,000. DOROTHY G. Jacobsen to William W. Cornelius et ux, Holly Hill, Hillerest, $7,100. 0.

A. Smith et ux to Ivar E. Loring et ux, Ormond Beach, Ormond Terrace $21,000. A. Ben White et ux to Corbett L.

Goodwin et ux, Daytona Beach, Riverview $18,700. Pierson C. Young et ux to Leon H. Paige et ux, DeLand, Deanburg $7,000. Atlantic Park Corp.

to HurstVedder Construction Daytona Beach, Ortona Park, 400. EILEEN S. Gilbert et ux to Francis J. Smith et ux, Ormond Beach, Ormond Beach Park, $22,000. George W.

Thornblade et ux to Sewell B. Evans et ux, Ormond Beach, Ocean Shores $9,700. C. R. Conlon et ux et al to R.

S. Mathis, Daytona Beach, Ocean Terrace, $12,000. Products On Display EUSTIS Displays of products grown or manufactured in the Eustis area have been set up in the three financial institutions here, the First Federal Savings and Loan the First National Bank and The First State Bank Trust Co. Same rates as 24 Pt. ordinary 5 lines type.

Same rate as 34 Pt. 8 ordinary lines type. This newspaper reserves the ileges of revising or rejecting any advertisem*nt which it deems objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisem*nt from that ordered to conform to its policies. This newspaper will not be sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion, nor will it be liable any error in advertisem*nts to a greater extent than the cost of the space occupied by the item in the advertisem*nt. DEADLINE Copy must be in offices prior to 11 a.m.

day before insertion. Sun deadline 11 a.m. Fri. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES "MUSIC BY Guitar lessons See David Wayne Mathes, 2013 Palmetto, Sanford. 19 SERVICES OFFERED 10 MONTHS FREE service on new instruments purchased from us.

BUKUR'S MUSIC 1 SHOP. Sanford. FA 2-0733. INCOME TAX RETURNS. Reasonable.

Don't delay. Call A. S. Merrill for information anytime. MI 4-9327 OT, drive to Floridahaven on Old Maitland, Altamonte Springs Rd.

Last house. 31 ARTICLES for RENT ROLLAWAY, hospital and baby beds. Day, week or month. FURNITURE CENTER, 116 W. First Sanford.

Phone FA 2-5181. 33 ARTICLES for SALE PAINT $2.50 gallon. Blankets, tents, tarps, work clothes. Army-Navy Surplus, Sanford. 35 ARTICLES WANTED CASH FOR FURNITURE or surplus.

Super Trading Post, Orlando Highway, Sanford. Ph. FA 2-0677. 38 PLANTS, Flowers Seeds PERSIMMON AND PEACH TREES CRYSTAL LAKE NURSERY. 3 blocks W.

of CofC Building, Lake Mary. Ph. FA 2-2799. PLANTS Frostproof, evergreens, many others. GRAPEVILLE NURSERY, 2221 Grapeville Sanford.

CHOICE CAMELLIAS, 2-4 W. 1st Sanford to Monroe Corner. 'FERN BROOK GARDENS, INC. 51 HOUSES For SALE ROSA L. PAYTON, Registered Real Estate Broker, 17-92 at Hiawatha.

Sanford FA 2-1301. 2-BEDROOM HOME, furnished, automatic washer. Only one like it in this area. Must be seen to appreciate. Priced much below cost.

W. CORBETT, Hwy. 17-92, DeBary. Phone NO 8-4791. HOUSE HUNTING? LET US SHOW you our excellent choice of 2 and 3-bedroom homes.

Your pick of size, price, neighborhood. CLOSE TO BASE: Modern 2- bedroom home, only $1,000 down, $75 per month. MODERN 3-BEDROOM home, only $1,500 down, $78.02 per month. Let us introduce you to Sanford. W.

H. "BILL' STEMPER Agency, 112 N. Park, Sanford, FA 2-4991. COUNTRY HOME, 3-bedroom, 2-bath; 3 acres, by owner. Call Sanford FA 2-2649 daily 1-8 p.m.

FURNISHED four rooms and bath. Masonry, 100x175 lot, fruit trees. In Lake Helen. 900, small down payment. SP 4-6938.

CARUSO REAL ESTATE, Teresa Caruso, Broker. 4 Valencia Road, next to greenhouse, DeBary. Phone NO 8-4722. PECK SPECIALS If it's worth selling, we have it! RAY E. PECK, REALTOR, DeBary.

NO 8-4241. 57 REAL ESTATE Exchange WILL TRADE modern 2-bedroom trailer with 20-ft. Alumoroom for equity in furnished 3- bedroom home. Call Sanford FA 2-4888. C.

E. PHILLIPS Local, State, Nationwide Moving Packing Crating Storage Agent For WASHBURN VAN LINES SHAW' FURNITURE TRANSFER CO. 1300 French Sanford, FA 2-1991 Night Phones: FA 2-0594 or FA 2-2101 DR. F. V.

CHIROPRACTIC OFFICES 426 W. New York Ave. DeLand Office hours Fri. 9--12, 2-6 Wed. Sat.

9 a.m. 1 p.m. Evenings by appointment PHONE RE 4.4490 We cannot accept all cases but we help almost. all accept,.

The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.